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Sunday is usually my lazy day. Today is different. I just got done shootin beer cans off a bucket.
It was more fun knowing it was a real gun and not a BB. Its loud. I haven't updated in awhile and that's because I've actual been doing crap. Yesterday me and my friend Megan went walking and we came upon a creek. We tried to make a rock path so we could go across it but we both ended up falling sadly I had on my converse and they got soaked :-(

Then we got to the end of the trail were there was a fence and Megan asked me if I wanted to hump it. Okay no jump. That typo was to funny to earse. Anyway I told her "no I don't want to get shot by no Mexicans trying to protect their weed farm." And yeah all my jokes are racist sorry to all Mexican readers (Kylie) I know you don't have a weed farm. But then again you say every time you try to clean your room you get high so.... PROOF.

HAHAAAAH idk imma go watch people shoot trees now BYE

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