Weird Games

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When I was little me and my cousins liked to go to my grandmothers house a lot. I don't really know why since there wasn't a lot to do there but we had strong imaginations so we always found something interesting. One game we played was about a boat. We usually played this when we were tired but still bored. Anyway we would pretend that we were on a cruise ship and then act like we were sleeping only to wake up in the middle of the ocean on a mattress. (We were on the bed in the guest room and got bored so decided to do this) so the whole point of the game was to try and stay warm under the blanket so u didn't die, also if u fell off the bed u were dead and out of the game. I'm pretty sure I got bored once and didn't want to play this so I pushed everyone off and they got eaten by sharks.

We also played dolls. My grandmother had to old barbie dolls she let's us play with but no furniture or houses so we made our own. We would use the coffee table as a house and shoes as cars. So I'm pretty sure everyone thought we were retarded since we were just pushing shoes around the house.

The next game is a little more creative. My grandmother as a big backyard and porch. So whenever we had enough people we'd either pretend to run a restaurant on the porch. Or we would be witches and live behind the swing set. We had an odd way of making rooms. There's was this big bush we would use as a wall and on each side there was a lawn chair made to be our beds. Wed mostly just use the Halloween witches pot thing and fill it with water and leaves to pretend we were making potions. We usually ended up playing house though.

Our food was wet sand and rocks, sometimes we would live in the old van that was in the front yard and act like we were driving somewhere but then the car broke down and we got eaten by a werewolf.

Just normal children's games...

The weirdest game would have to be when we were cheetah cubs and had to fight each other.

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