I met jesus

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Ok so I'm pretty sure this is gonna be a short chapter because I have terrible memory but I'll try.

Last Friday was my birthday and I went to a japense restaurant with my parents, two of my cousins, my grandparents, and my friend.

Of course my family is weird like me so this was very entertaining and I was laughing almost the whole time. It was a habachi grill type thing so the man was cooking in front of us.

He built this stack of onions and then lit fire to the stove, he picked the fire up off the stove with his hand and put it on the onions. My cousin abby saw this and said 'he picked up fire I think he's Jesus.'

So Jesus was not Jewish, but it was the japense that sacrificed him on the cross. Oh of course how could I forget!!!?

The weird ness continued. When I went to the bathroom I made my cousin come with me cause I couldn't find it and my friend followed us.

While I was in the stall Abby kept saying she was gonna take a picture off the wall and steal it and my friend just kinda observed her from a far. While in the stall I started playing 'my dingaling' on my phone. (I'll put a video at the top).

When I came out my cousin was sorta kinda dacin to it so I did the normal human thing and started dancing to.

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