Chapter 7

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*At the Hospital*

-Julian's POV-

When I woke up my head was throbbing & I felt hallow. I was in a bed but I wasn't sure where I was until I heard the machine beep. I was in the hospital myself but why though? I looked for my phone but couldn't find it. Damn, really? Where's my phone at? Last I remembered it was in my pocket but where's my damn clothes at though? I pushed the nurse's call button to get some answers. A short time later a nurse came in the room. "Good morning Mr. Goins. I'm your assigned nurse. You called?", she said. "Uhm, yeah. I need to know what happened. Why am I in the hospital?", I responded sitting up in bed. My body was sore too but I shrugged it off. "Well, you had a severe panic attack & was hospitalized", she explained. A panic attack? I have never had one of those before in my life but what happened to Neicey? "Oh", I paused, "Can you tell me what happened to my wife?", I said. She looked at me then glanced back at someone. Lang & Day walked in the room. "Sup brodie, you straight?", Day said dabbing me. "Feeling better?", Lang asked dabbing me. "I'd feel hella better if I knew what happened to Neicey. So can someone fill me in?", I responded laying back down. "Uhm, yes. Well your wife had severe internal bleeding Mr. Goins but they were able to stop the bleeding & she's in recovery right now", the nurse explained. When she said severe internal bleeding I thought I was going to have another panic attack but I'm beyond relieved that she's in recovery. I sighed, "Can I go see her?", I asked. "Yeah, let me get you a chair first & I'll take you to her", she said & left. "Thank you God!", I yelled over joyed. "Nigga, we in a hospital", Lang said annoyed but I didn't give a fuck because I know NeNe's ok. "I don't give a fuck! My woman is alive nigga & I'm too happy. So fuck you & this hospital nigga!", I yelled. "Shh, you're gonna disturb the other patients", my nurse said coming in the room with the wheelchair. Then she helped me into the chair & told me hold my I.V. but I took it out. "Mr. Goins you're not supposed to do that", she yelled. I smirked, "Shh, you're gonna disturb the patients", I said mimicking her. She rolled her eyes & we all went down the hall to Neicey's room. As we were going into her room we heard the machine beep loud & long. My heart sunk & I jumped up out of the chair to run to her.

-NeNe's POV-

I woke up in the hospital hooked up to all kinds of machines. My entire body felt like it was on fire it hurted so bad. I started looking for my phone but I couldn't really move with all the shit I was hooked up to so I started taking everything off. I had just snatched out the I.V., "Shit!", I yelled out in pain. The machine beeped loud & long hurting my ears. I covered my ears & I screamed when I saw Julian come out of nowhere. He was crying as he ran over to me. He hugged me tightly like he never wanted to let me go & kissed me. He pulled back & just hugged me telling me that he loves me over & over again. I tried pushing him off because he was hurting me but I sucked it up & hugged him back. I didn't realize I meant this much to him or that I was crying too until he wiped away a few tears from my face. "I love you chocolate", he said sitting down next to me. "I love you too cracker jack", I responded & gave him a peck on the lips. "How do you feel?", he asked. "I'm still alive so what can I say besides blessed", I responded half smiling at him. Someone cleared their throat, "It's good to see you sis", Lang said coming over to the bed. "Good seeing you too", I responded & we hugged. I winced. "My bad", he said. "It's fine. Julian really hurt me with all that hugging & kissing so you're good LangLang", I responded smiling. "Well I don't wanna hurt you no more with a hug", Day said. "Nigga, hug me", I said giggling & it hurted like hell too. He hugged me, "I'm happy you're ok sis", he said in my ear. "Me too", I whispered into his. "Mr. Goins you need to go back to your room & rest", the nurse said stepping around the corner. "I'm staying here with my wife", he responded & all of us paused. "Ok, I'll be back with your things", she said & left. I just stared at him & he smiled. "What?", he asked. "I'm your wife now?", I asked shifting my weight. "I told you we're getting married. What, you thought I was playing?", he responded. "Kinda, yeah. So what you're just gonna introduce me as your wife now?", I said gently tugging on his hospital gown. He laughed, "Yes & why you tryna fuck with Day & Lang in the room? That's disrespectful Neicey", he said. I glared at him, "Ain't nobody tryna fuck you banana boat. I wanted you to lay next to me stupid", I said annoyed. "Chill, I know that. I love your mean ass", he responded laying next to me & holding me. "I love you too & I'm not mean. I love you too Dashawn & Langston. I mean it", I said laying my head over on Julian's shoulder.

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