Chapter 41

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*A Few Days Later*

-NeNe's POV-

"Who the fuck are you cheating on me with bitch!?", Julian yelled grabbing me by the neck. He's drunk but he's not slurring like he does when he is. "Sto...", he cut me off by pushing me against the wall. I hit the wall so hard that I knocked pictures down but he didn't care. "Julian, st...", he punched me in the jaw knocking me down to the floor. I have never been so scared of him before but I'm terrified right now. He crouched down to me & smiled, "Let me help you up baby", he said but I just stared at him. He screwed his face & pulled me up by my hair. I tried to free myself but he's too strong. "Please, do...", he punched me again. It's funny how he swore to never put his hands on me again because I'd leave but here he is hitting me like I'm a man. "Why are you doing this?", I whimpered & he glared at me. He laughed, "Answer my fucking question Alana", he responded coldly. I could already feel my face swelling from him hitting me. "Wha...", he grabbed me by the hair again & drug me upstairs by it. I didn't even dare to grab on to something from fear of pissing him off more. He drug me into our room & locked the door so I couldn't get out then he took off his belt. I put my hands out to shield myself, "Please!? Please don't Julian!? I love you! I've never cheat...", he started beating me with the belt. I screamed, cried, & begged him to stop but he wouldn't. He just swung harder everytime I begged him to stop. I curled up in a ball the best I could to protect my baby & just cried. He broke me, I'm no longer Neicey Alana Washington or Goins. I'm someone I don't know anymore because who I was wouldn't be in this situation. He beat me for what felt like an hour but it was only 10 minutes that felt like years to my body. I can't believe he's doing me like this. Thank God my children aren't here to see this. When he finally stopped he did the worst thing he could've done to me, he took off his ring & threw it at me before kicking me in the stomach & I immediately started bleeding out between my legs. He hurt my baby, he killed my baby. I hate him & with all that hatred I gathered up enough strength to reach under the bed & pull out the gun I hid there & I shot him in the heart. The last thing I said to him before he died was "I hate you" then I collapsed on the floor & died next to him. I jumped up out of my sleep sweating & crying. What does this mean? I hope it's just a dream, please don't let that ever come true! Julian wasn't in bed but I smelled food so I crept out of bed & went downstairs where I found Julian cooking breakfast. I wanted to smile at my husband but I was scared & he sensed it. "Baby what's wrong?", he asked concerned. "Please don't hurt us", I muttered & brokedown where I stood. It felt so real & that scares me. I know Julian was so hurt that I'd think he'd do that but I'm scared. "Talk to me baby", he said pulling me into a hug. I buried my face into his chest, a safe place for me. "Did you have a nightmare?", he asked & I felt like a child. I nodded, "You killed me & our baby but before I died I killed you", I whimpered & he tensed up. "It was just a dream baby. I would never do that to either of you. I love y'all Neicey", he said & kissed me on the forehead. "It just felt so real baby. You thought I was cheating & you were drunk & lost it when I came home", I whispered. He hugged me tightly, "Shh, it's ok. It's just a dream baby now calm down before you miscarry. I would never do something like that baby & it hurts you think I could but baby I won't so relax", he said. "I'm sorry baby but can you please hold me?", I responded hugging him back tightly. He pecked my lips, "If it'll make you feel better I will baby", he said. I wiped my face & looked up at him, "It will or at least I hope it will", I responded & pecked his lips. He smiled & led me to the couch then pulled me down onto his lap & held me like he holds Khilee on his lap when she has a nightmare. Soon after him holding me for a little while I fell asleep. I love him so much. I guess I just overreacted about the whole thing but it shook me up. I trust him & believe in him so I'm not going to worry about it anymore.

-Julian's POV-

As much as I love her why would she ever think I'd hurt her like that? I mean that shit genuinely hurted to hear her say. Right now she's sleep on my lap but not for long because my phone started ringing. I couldn't really get it out my pocket without waking her up because she was on it. She woke up & crawled off my lap & layed next to me with her head on my lap while I answered my phone. "Hello?", I answered without looking. "Where you at nigga?", Lang snapped.-_- "At home. Look my wife needed me so calm the hell down. I didn't forget", I responded. He sighed, "Is everything alright?", he asked. I wanted to yell "Hell nah nigga! She thinks I'm a kill her & our unborn child!" but I didn't. I sighed, "I think. Y'all gone ahead without me & I'll go by tonight if I can or tomorrow", I responded. "Alright", he said & we hung up. When I looked at NeNe she was asleep with her mouth open & you have no idea how much I thought about getting some head from her but I didn't do anything to her. For 1. She's sleep, 2. I didn't want to choke her, & 3. I'm not stupid. She'd for sure bite me again worse than the time I told Angel she was giving me head. I thought I was going to kill her ass that night but she made it up to me so it's all good. "Baby", she mumbled. "Yeah", I responded rubbing her stomach. "Don't think about it", she said & I started laughing. I love how she knows me so well. "I already did but I'm not. I don't wanna choke you with my dick", I responded. She giggled, "You can't choke a bitch with a grain of rice Julian", she joked sitting up. I cut my eyes at her, "A grain of rice?", I asked. She nodded & I smirked. "Ok, we'll see about that", I responded pulling out my dick & her eyes grew big. I laughed, "Nah, I got a grain of rice. Well you gone take this grain of rice Neicey Goins so yo' ass better not try & run neither", I told her pulling her closer to me & opening her legs like she was about to give birth. "Baby, it's too...", I cut her off. "Nah, Alana", I said standing up & taking off my shirt. "Don't you have to go...", I cut her off again. "Don't worry about it", I said pulling off her panties. "Julian no", she whined folding her arms across her chest. She's so cute without trying. I laughed at her for whining & penetrated her putting her arms around my neck. "You still got a grain of rice Alexander", she joked & pecked my lips. "But this grain of rice gone have your ass screaming a nigga's name", I shot back & went to work. It's funny how loud she got from a grain of rice as she calls it. Yeah, she knows I love to prove a point.=p So I just bust when Khilee runs in the room so I quickly jump up putting my dick back in my pants & getting off NeNe. "Hey daddy!", she yelled jumping on my lap like she always does. "Hey baby, why you up so early?", I asked her. She smiled, "I have school today daddy. Can you take me to school?", she responded. I smiled, "Of coarse princess now go get ready so you don't be late", I responded. Her face lit up, "Thank you daddy! Good morning mommy!", she yelled running out the room before NeNe could respond. As much as I love my daughter, she's too damn hyper sometimes even for me. "Go shower baby so you don't make her late", NeNe said laughing. What was so funny I don't know but I went took a quick shower & put on some sweats, a t-shirt, & some matching J's. When I went back downstairs Khilee was putting her plate in the sink. She looks so cute in her little uniform with her hair in pigtails. "Come on Khi, we gotta go", I said & she hugged & kissed NeNe on the cheek bye. "Bye baby, have a good day at school", NeNe said hugging her bye. "Bye mommy", Khilee said walking over to me but stopped. "What's wrong?", I asked concerned. She smiled, "Daddy, you didn't get your hug & kiss bye from mommy", she said jumping up & down. When I looked at NeNe she mouthed, "That's your child". I smiled, "My bad", I said & went over to NeNe. I pecked her lips but it turned into a series of pecks before I full on kissed her. "Ewe! Come on daddy, I'm a be late. Leggo!", she yelled making us laugh. I pecked NeNe's lips one more time, "I love you baby. See you later", I said before Khilee practically drug me out the kitchen by my shirt. She giggled, "Bye baby, I love you. Khilee don't break daddy, mommy needs him later", she yelled after us. There she goes being a freak.=) I dropped Khilee off, well that was the plan but she wanted me to meet her teacher so I walked her to class. When we walked in she excitedly introduced me to her teacher. "Mrs. Jordan, this is my daddy & he's the best daddy in the whole wide world!", she yelled smiling. I couldn't help but smile. "I bet he is now go take your seat Khilee", she responded smiling at her. "Yes ma'am. Bye daddy", Khilee said then went to her seat in the middle of class. "Well it's nice meeting you Mr. Goins. Khilee talks so much about you & her family", Mrs. Jordan said. "I didn't know that. So is she doing good in school?", I responded. She nodded, "My top student", she said proudly. "In that case I'm a take her with me to the studio if that's ok", I responded smiling at Khilee. "That's ok, just let me take attendance then I'll give you her work Mr. Goins", she said then took attendance. After she finished attendance she gave me Khilee's work for the day along with her homework then we left. Almost as soon as we got in the car Khilee turned to me, "Where are we going daddy? Are we running away?", she asked & I laughed. "Nah baby, I'm taking you to the studio with me. Mrs. Jordan told me how smart you are & daddy's so proud of you princess. So today you're spending the day with me but don't tell mommy or we'll get in trouble", I explained. She smiled, "Ok daddy. I promise", she responded. "Pinky promise?", I said holding out my pinky. She locked hers with mine, "Pinky promise", she said nodding. When we got to the studio everyone was surprised to see Khilee but they seemed happy to see her. Well it's time for me to hit the booth.

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