Chapter 23

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«The Ranger$ some marks for how they did us-_- BUT... I still love em so it's all good. #RGOKY=)»

*The Next Day*

-Julian's POV-

All day I've been keeping my distance from NeNe to add to the payback I'm a get on her ass for kneeing me in my dick yesterday. She made me cry my nigga like a little ass bitch & she's gone pay for that shit. Since she's pregnant I can't really get her back like I want to but I'm a get her back. Right now she's on the phone in the kitchen but I'm... I guess lurking. "Yeah, I'll be over there in a little bit... I don't feel very safe being at home right now... Nah, he hasn't done anything to me... Deron no!... Whatever, bye. I love you Travis... Of coarse you too Ian & Deron. Bye", she said then she hung up. When she came out of the kitchen I scared the fuck out of her & she screamed. "Why the fuck did you scream?", I asked pretending to be annoyed. She frowned, "You scared me", she responded. "Hmm", I said & went in the kitchen. She just stood there watching me until I came out of the kitchen walking passed her not even acknowledging her. I know she watched me until I went upstairs out of her view because I could feel her eyes glued to me. Once upstairs I went in our room to get my keys so I could go get what I needed to pay her back then I left. While I was out I had got her some food because even though I'm a pay her back she's still my wife & she's my heart plus it's part of the plan. I was gone for a little over 2 hours before I got back home. She was still home, perfect.>=) She was in the shower upstairs in our room so I set everything up then I went back downstairs to the living room & waited. Oh this shit gone be fun. "NeNe I brought you some food, come get it!", I yelled. "Here I come baby!", she yelled back. "5- 4- 3- 2- 1", I said to myself & "Aah!", she screamed. Got her ass!=D I ran up the stairs to find a glue & feather covered Neicey. I laughed, "Awe baby, what happened?", I asked. She glared at me, "Fuck you!", she snapped. "Why you mad Neicey? Payback's a bitch ain't it?", I responded smirking. She looked at me blankly then she became enraged & I took off running. She chased me all through the house & even down the street. The shit was funny as hell to me but I already know that I'm a be under the damn doghouse later so I might as well enjoy it. Hell, I even took pictures & I'm damn sure posting them later. Bet she won't fuck with me again after this.=p

-Langston's POV-

I'm at the hospital helping Day out. "What's up lil man?", I said picking up Omarr, well I tried to. Angel would not let him go, "Damn, let him go before you break him", I said. She screwed her face, "I would never, now let go of my baby Langston", she snapped. I laughed knowing her overprotective ass wasn't letting go no time soon so I signaled Day with a head nod & he tickled her until she did. She was pissed off but I was laughing my ass off while Day was calming her down. "Y'all ready to go?", I asked. "Been", Day said too quickly for Angel's liking. She glared at him & I laughed again. He looked confused, "What's so funny?", he asked. She glanced at him & giggled. "Yeah, Lang. I miss home", she said getting out of bed. At their house we all had set up a little welcome home party for her. After a little while of talking until the Doctor came with the release forms we went to their house. Once we got there Day picked her up over his shoulder & carried her in kicking 'n' screaming while I took in Omarr. When I walked in everything was already in full swing. I took Omarr with the other kids then I went to chill. "Damn, can I get some love?", NeNe said hugging me from behind. I smiled turning around & pulling her into a hug. "My bad love. So what's up?", I responded pulling back. She smiled grabbing me by the hand & leading me to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen she took me to the table & pushed me down onto a chair. "Be right back love", she said & ran off coming back with an annoyed Julian. She did him like she did me in the chair right across from me. "Julian, Langston, talk!", she commanded. Julian glared at her, "Ain't shit to talk about Alana", he responded coldly. I sighed, "What the fuck is this?", I asked irritated. She sat down in the chair between us. "I want y'all to be friends again. Y'all are 2/3 of The Ranger$ & y'all beefin'. Aside from that we're all like family & you're letting petty shit come between you. Lang was outta line but he apologized to me. We made up & it's past-due for y'all to too", she said. She was right, but still I ain't about to try if he won't let me. "Neicey, ain't shit petty about wanting to whoop a nigga's ass for fucking with your wife & unborn child", Julian responded with an attitude clenching his fists. She folded her arms across her chest, "Baby it's time to let that shit go. I'm sick of this shit & if y'all don't make up before we leave I'm not talking to either one of you until you do", she said. We both looked at her then at each other before we sighed looking away from each other. "I'm waiting", she said. Why is she so stubborn & won't leave shit alone? We act cool enough but that's not good enough for her. Julian slammed his fist down on the table & looked me right in the eyes, "Fine! Ok, Langston I think you a hoeass nigga for what you did & I want to beat yo' ass! You supposed to be my bro, my boy & you came on to my wife! Then you fucking stomp me & made her shoot me on accident! She damn near miscarried Langston! So no I don't fucking like you right now, nah not at all. There Neicey, is that what you wanted!?", his voice boomed. When I looked at her she had her head down. Damn, I felt bad. I sighed, "NeNe I'm so sorry for what I did but like I said, I am attracted to you but I crossed the line", Julian cut me off. "You son of a bitch!", he yelled jumping to his feet. "Stop it!", she yelled, "Finish Lang", she said. "I never meant for any of that to happen but it did", I looked Julian right in the eyes, "You're right I was a hoeass nigga for what I did but you was an even bigger one fucking Rachel behind our backs. I didn't say shit to you about it because she's my ex, you was my bro, & I was with Marie but you a mark for that shit. Then you got the hoe pregnant with yo' stupidass. On my part with Neicey, I'm sorry but I don't regret coming on to her because I do care about her. There, now I'm done", I said raising my voice standing up. We was in a standoff just staring at each other. "You know what, fuck it! Neicey choose, it's either me or him?", Julian said still staring at me. I heard her whimper but I didn't look at her, "That's not fair Julian", she whined. He glared at her, "I don't give a fuck if it's fair or not Alana, choose!", he yelled at her. That's when I looked over at her & she was shaking & crying. I know she can't choose between us because we're both too close to her & she doesn't want to lose neither of us so I made the choice easy for her. "Nah, keep your husband Neicey. I love you & if you need me for anything hit me up", I said & tried to leave the kitchen but she bear-hugged me. If looks could kill, me & her would he dead the way Julian was looking at us. I hugged her back tightly then kissed her on the forehead & left out of the kitchen.

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