Chapter 19

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«Taking it from Day's side while on the phone with Julian»

-DayDay's POV-

My breath had caught right in my chest. I pulled over the car & broke down. "Day she'll be alright. I gotta go, I'm a ride with her to the hospital", he said then hung up. "DaDa", Omarr muttered. "DaDa", he repeated snapping me back into reality. Omarr said his first word & it was me, dada. I smiled through my tears then we went to the hospital to meet Julian & Angelic. When we made it to the hospital Julian was coming down the hallway. When Julian saw me he turned around to go the other way. "Julian", my voice boomed down the hallway as I walked towards him. "What's up brodie? What's up nephew?", Ju responded putting on a fake smile that I saw right through. "What is it Ju?", I asked nervous. Ju sighed, "She's in a coma Day", he mumbled. My face became unreal & I punched the window breaking it. My hand was cut up & was bleeding bad but I didn't care. I didn't feel it or anything but darkness. Julian took Omarr from me, "Day chill! You broke the damn window & now your hand is bleeding bad. I told you she'll be alright now have faith nigga", he snapped. I shook my head & walked away leaving Julian there in the hallway with Omarr. I had just made it to the floor Angelic was on & was about to step off the elevator when I passed out. Turns out I had cut an artery in my wrist when I punched through the window & lost a lot of blood. Luckily for me I was in the hospital or I probably would've died but I didn't too much care because my mind was on Angelic.

-Julian's POV-

I took Omarr home with me because he didn't need to be around his parents right now. When I walked in the house NeNe & Rachel were fighting. NeNe was choking Rachel. "Alana!", I snapped & she froze. She let Rachel go by the neck to grab her by the hair & drug her out the house slamming the door shut. I was pissed off, "What the fuck was that?", I asked getting in her face. "I told you I was tired of her Julian. Why do you have Omarr?", she responded with an attitude. I sighed, "Baby come sit down", I said walking over to the sectional. I sat Omarr down next to me on my right so she could sit on my left but she remained standing. "Neicey come sit down before I tell you why I have Omarr", I said. She shook her head, "I'm good. Now tell me", she responded folding her arms across her chest. I sighed & told her. Neicey started to shake like a frightened chihuahua & the tears rolled down her face in teams. Her legs gave & I jumped up catching her. "Please, tell me you're playing Julian. Don't play like this", she wailed in my arms. "I wish I was Neicey but I'm not. She'll be alright babe, just have faith", I said hugging her tighter. She hugged me back burying her face into my chest as she cried. "It's ok baby. She'll be fine now calm down before you have a miscarriage", I said comforting her. I gently rocked her like a child until she fell asleep. I just held her for a moment enjoying her presence in my arms, enjoying her scent, & her beauty. How could I fuck around on this woman when I love her so much? I hurt her so bad & I know I did but I can't reverse it & even if I could I wouldn't because if I didn't I probably wouldn't have Josiah. Honestly I wish none of it happened but at least Josiah came out of it. Neicey loves him, I know she does because I can see it when she holds him & looks at him. Day was right, it doesn't get no better for me. She's perfect for me & more & I ain't letting her go. Whatever it takes, I'm a do it to save my marriage. I was wrapped up in my thoughts staring at NeNe until I heard crying. I slid from under her then went upstairs & got Cali, London, & Josiah bringing them downstairs to the kitchen. I went into superdaddy mode. I made all 4 of them some breakfast then fed them, changed them, bathed them & dressed them. NeNe was still sleeping so I put them in the play pin & covered her up with a blanket. I had just sat down when Brian walked in the house, sober though.=O

-NeNe's POV-

I woke up with a blanket on me & when I sat up I was looking directly at Julian & Brian. When I examined Brian I noticed he was sober which wasn't rare but it was still odd though for this time of day. "Hey sissy", Brian said leaning forward & ruffling my hair.-_- I smiled, "Hey BriBri", I responded knowing he hates when I call him that. "How'd you sleep baby?", Julian asked rubbing my face. Nigga, don't touch me.-_- Call me bipolar if you want to but idgaf. I rolled my eyes, "How have you been Brian?", I asked ignoring Julian's question. "I've been good. I just missed home & spending time with my fam", he responded. "Hey, you wanna come with me to the mall with the kids? I could really use the extra hands plus you can bond with your nephew", I said. His brow shut up, "Nephew? What nephew?", he asked confused. "Oh, Julian didn't tell you? He fucked Lang's ex & got her pregnant. So there you got a nephew named Josiah & I'm pregnant again with his 4th child", I explained. Brian shot Julian a look before he redirected his attention back to me. "So y'all getting a divorce?", he asked. "No. We're going to work it out but this is his last chance. He fucks this up & we damn sure will", I responded. The entire time Julian just sat back quiet with his head down. "Ok. Yeah, I'll go sissy. Go get dressed & I'm a pay too so don't worry about bringing your purse", he said & my face lit up. "Thank you Brian. Give me 10 to change then we can go", I responded & went to the change. I had just put on my t-shirt when Julian came in the room. "I didn't want to tell my family about our problems baby", he said sitting on the bed. "Josiah isn't a problem Julian. What you did is & besides how are you going to keep him from your family anyway? They're going to find out anyway", I responded. He sighed & pulled me down onto his lap. "I know baby. So are you really cool with Josiah being here because I'm thinking about getting full custody of him? I don't want shit to do with Rachel & I don't want her part of my family at all", he said. I shook my head, "As much as I don't like the hoe I wouldn't take her son away from her. Hell, I wish you would try & take one of my children from me. I would kill you nigga so imagine how she'd feel. As far as Josiah goes, I love him. He's your son & I wouldn't treat him any different from the girls. He's family too", I said & got up off his lap. He pulled me back down onto his lap, "Thank you Neicey. I thank God for you baby. When you come back I'm a have a surprise for you", he said. I smiled, "What kind of surprise?", I asked laying back on him. He kissed me on the cheek, "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you Neicey", he responded. I sighed, "Fine. We'll be back in a few hours. I love you cracker jack", I said & pecked his lips. "I love you too chocolate", he responded with a smile. Then I left taking all 4 of the kids with me to the mall with Brian. Brian drove & took us on a shopping spree. Of coarse people came up to him but I didn't mind at all. We had a nice time out with the kids & on our way back to my house we dropped them off at Julian's mom's. When I got home I left everything in the car because I was being lazy & once inside I was surprised by Madison sitting in my living room next to Julian waiting for me.⊙.⊙

-Langston's POV-

Madison left because he said he had some business to tend to whatever the fuck that means. Marie had dance practice so she dipped earlier this morning. I haven't heard from anyone all day so shit I guess I'll go hit the studio. When I got to the studio someone was already recording so I sat down & waited until it was time for me to hit the booth. Since it was dark in the booth, I couldn't see who was in it but I did know it was a female. She had a pretty nice voice too & it kind of sounded familiar. When she came out of the booth I paused. It was BeeBee. She still basically looked the same but she grew her hair out. When she saw me she looked like she saw a ghost. "Hey Langston", she said nervously. "BeeBee", I said with an attitude. "Why you being rude?", she snapped. I know she did not just, Lang chill. "Did I not call you by your name vs. the many other words I damn near did? What the fuck do you want?", I responded irritated. "Nigga, I ain't one of your hoes...", she said with an attitude before I cut her off. "Of coarse not because even they were faithful to me. So we really don't have shit to talk about so middle finger to ya bitch", I said raising my voice then I went in the booth leaving her speechless. I was way the fuck over her but damn. Having her in my presence again after all this time without really confronting her made me mad all over again. Fuck these hoes & with that I put on the headphones & started recording.

-Marie's POV-

I was at dance practice going over a routine with Keesha when Marquise & his crew came in the studio, damn. "1 & 2, 3, 4", we counted out our moves. "Stop! Keesha you gotta dip, pop, turn, pop boo", I said. She nodded, "Thanks, let's take it from the top then", she responded. That's why I love dancing with her because she openly accepts my help as I do hers. Other bitches would think I'm just hatin' or whatever but I just be trying to help. We did the routine 3 more times perfectly to make sure we had it down packed before we took a break before the last run through. The entire time we danced them niggas' eyes were glued to us like we were prey & they were hungry lions. Keesha had stepped out for a minute leaving me alone with them. "Nice work Marie", Alex said walking over to me. "Thanks but why are y'all in here when you know that practices are closed?", I questioned. He smiled, "Now I know that but we was allowed in here. It's a little after 5 meaning y'all time been up", he responded. I folded my arms across my chest, "Really? I didn't know that you danced", I said. "It's a lot about me that you don't know beautiful", he responded & winked at me then went back over to his boys. I don't know what it is but I am attracted to him. It's not even sexually but something about him is appealing to me. I won't cheat on Lang but Alex is something. "If you don't mind, we'd like to be alone", Marquise's voice boomed. Who this muthafucka talking to!? Nah, my nigga. "I'm not only a dancer but a captain so I can stay all I want to. The dance floor is all yours though", I responded with an attitude then I went sat next to my bag on the floor. Alex hooked up his phone to the stereo then they stood around talking a bit before they started to dance. They were pretty damn good too & I must say I was hella impressed by them. Alex was my favorite though & he kept being flirtatious with me. This kid even had the balls to call me out & I don't back down from anybody. So I got up & joined them dancing against & with them. I must say the shit was fun. After we danced we all sat down & chilled together a bit. I mean they are some cool ass dudes but Alex was another story. He's really cool & down to earth but he insists on flirting with me even though he knows I'm taken. Keesha finally brought her ass back then we did the last run through. The guys stayed until we were done then they walked us out saying that they wanted to make sure nothing happened to us. We all hugged before going our separate ways. Alex had slipped me his number when we hugged & I didn't even know until I got home & went in my bag to get my phone charger. Good thing I was at home instead of Lang's because all hell would've broke lose because I send him into my bag for me all the time. Ugh, it's time for a nice hot bath.

*End of Chapter*

«The reason NeNe gave Brian that money was to rent out V.I.P. for Julian's surprise birthday party she was throwing him at a club. I know that has nothing to do with what's going on but I was just saying b/c I never mentioned it a couple of chapters ago so yeah. Deuces!»

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