Chapter 20 Pt. 2

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-DayDay's POV-

I was calling Julian to check on Omarr since I wasn't getting released until tomorrow morning. Damn, I miss my son so much & I can't believe I'm his first word. I just hate that Angel missed it. I hope she's doing better now & wakes up soon. I had got so lost in my thoughts that I forgot I was even calling him until he called my name. "DayDay", he said cheerfully. "Hey bro, how's it going?", I responded. I promise I heard that nigga smile, "Great but where ya ass went to?", he said. I sighed, "I'm in the hospital but I'm straight. Ho...", he cut me off. "Hospital? What happened?", he asked concerned. "When I broke the window the glass cut up my hand & cut an artery in my wrist. I damn near bled to death", I explained. He sighed & probably was shaking his head too, "You sure you alright?", he asked. "Yeah. How's my son doing though?", I said. "He's good, I guess", he responded. I guess? What the fuck he mean I guess? "You guess? Where the fuck my son at?", I snapped. He laughed, "Bro chill, he's with my mom's with the rest of the kids. So how's devil?", he responded nonchalantly. I sighed in relief, "I don't know I haven't seen her yet. I passed out as soon as I got up here to the floor", I said. "Oh. Well don't worry bro your family's in good hands so rest. We'll come see y'all in a bit", he responded. "Aiight, bye my nigga & bring Omarr too", I said. "Aiight bye bro", he said then we hung up. At least Omarr's fine & Angelic's even still alive so I'm ok. I just hope she wakes up soon.

-Langston's POV-

I was headed home for a minute when I got a text from NeNe & it kind of surprised me because we only seem to talk in person or over the phone, never text. *texting*

NeNe: Lang meet us at the hospital in a little bit.

Me: Alright. You ok?

NeNe: Yes love, I'm fine. What about you?

I smiled to myself when she called me "love". It's nothing like that though.

Me: I'm good. I'll meet y'all there though.

NeNe: See ya soon. Love ya LangLang.

Me: Ly2

NeNe: Nigga you better spell that shit out! -_-

I laughed at her crazy ass.

Me: Love you too NeNe! Damn, you happy now?

NeNe: Very!:)

She's a trip sometimes but I love her though. I put my phone on the charger then I headed to the hospital. When I got there I texted her to see where they was. *texting*

Me: Where y'all at?

NeNe: Come help us get the kids nigga. I know you saw us when you pulled in because I damn sure saw you.

Me: Damn, here I come.

I went helped them then we went saw Day to my surprise. NeNe ran over to him & hugged him. "Oh, my poor baby. Are you ok DayDay?", she said bear-hugging him. He groaned, "I'm fine but damn don't hug the life out of me", he responded hugging her back. She giggled, "My bad. I'm just happy you're ok Day & we brought Omarr. He said his first word, dada", she said excited. He got sarcastic, "Oh, really? I had no idea babymama", he responded. Me & Ju laughed, "Fuck, forge, nah I already said it. Fuck y'all", she snapped. "Sis calm ya ass down I was just playing. I already know. He said it this morning in the car", he said. She rolled her eyes & sat down. Smh, we off as fuck.

-Marie's POV-

I just got out of the tub & was laying down on the bed when someone rung the doorbell. I quickly put on my underwear & covered up in my robe then went answered the door. I almost pissed myself when I saw Alex standing there. He smiled, "Hey Marie. Can I come in, I brought us some food & a couple of movies", he said. He's crazy & I'm not talking about Neicey's crazy neither. "What are you doing here Alex?", I questioned. "I live across the street from you & you haven't even noticed?", he asked. I shook my head, "Nope. Have you noticed I don't really just be at home either?", I responded. "I've noticed. Look I just wanted to hangout as friends if that's okay with you", he said. I thought about it because he seems to be a really cool guy so I let him in. "Uhm, yeah. Sure come in", I said stepping back to let him in. He followed me into the living room & sat down. I sat down next to him on the couch & took the food out of the bags while he put in the movie. I was actually having a good time just hanging out with him. We was watching some movie & I had fallen asleep. I had a dream about him too. "Marie I like you & I want you to be mine", he said taking me by the hand & kissing me passionately. He untied my robe & massaged me through my panties. Yeah, he went all the way with me & when I came I jumped up out of my sleep. When I looked down he was pulling out of me, fuck!>.< No, no, no! I cheated on Langston, fuck! He's never gone forgive me for this shit. "Alex, I know you did not just fuck me in my sleep!?", I snapped jumping up just to be wincing in pain. "Yeah we had sex", he responded nonchalantly doing his pants back up. I slapped him right across the face & stormed off into my room locking the door behind myself. I collapsed on my bed in tears. I can't believe I was that stupid to let him in. Now Langston is going to break up with me & hate me when I love him so much. I cried myself to sleep thinking about how much I love Langston & is going to miss him. Damn, why!?:'(

*End of Chapter*

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