Chapter 10

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*The Next Morning*

-Julian's POV-

I had woken up around 5 for some reason & the news was on. NeNe was sleep with her head on my chest until she jumped up out of her sleep & ran to the bathroom. I started watching the news because it always put me to sleep for some reason but not this time. I was wide awake when they said "Man shot & killed. Witnesses say they were in the home watching a movie when an unknown gunman snuck into the house & forced them into an upstairs bedroom then shot & killed 21 year old Gregory Mathis. There aren't any suspects in the murder". Damn that's fucked up. I heard NeNe breathing heavy behind me & when I looked up at her it was like she was stuck in a trance. "Baby, what's wrong?", I asked her concerned. She shook her head "no", "Nothing", she lied & I knew she did. I licked my lips, "Nothing? Ok, come with me in the kitchen then", I responded standing up. She followed me into the kitchen & sat down at the table bringing her knees up to her chest. I grabbed the juice from out the fridge & drunk some straight from the jug. "Put your knees down you might be hurting the baby", I said sitting down across from her. She put her knees down but she didn't look at me once. "Why are you acting like this & don't lie to me?", I said & she stood up. "Where are you going?", I asked her. "To check on Angel", she whined. She's trying to avoid my question. "Day got her now sit cha ass down", I said raising my voice at her a bit. She sat down looking like she was about to cry. What the hell is wrong with her? "Start talking Alana", I commanded. She sighed, "I know who the guy is from the news", she mumbled. "What guy?", I asked a bit irritated. "Greg", she bluntly said & tears rolled down her face. "How?", I asked ignoring her tears. She started playing with her hands, "He's one of the guys that raped Angel, Julian", she mumbled. I paused putting 2 & 2 together realizing what she was talking about. I became blinded by rage & reached across the table slapping her so hard she fell out of the chair. She started crying, "I'm sorry Julian. I didn't know he was gonna die", she wailed but I didn't wanna hear it. I can't believe she killed that dude.

-NeNe's POV-

He hit me again but I can't say I don't deserve it. I already feel bad as is but I was only protecting Angelic. Why doesn't he understand that? "Baby please, I'm sorry", I wailed getting up & hugging him but he pushed me off. I tried to hug him again but he slapped me yet again. This is the man I love & is carrying his child & he's acting like I'm the enemy. He started yelling at me, "What & the fuck is your problem Neicey!? Why didn't you just wait on me!? We're getting married & your pregnant with my fucking child, what if they would've got you too!? Then what!?", he yelled. I didn't respond because I honestly wasn't thinking about any of that at the time. "Neicey you hear me fucking talking to you, answer me!", he yelled. "I don't know Julian! I don't know! I don't know! I wasn't thinking about any of that! All I thought about was saving Angel my bestfriend & sister! I was scared as hell but I went because she needed me & I wasn't about to let her down now! I'm sorry, ok! I'm sorry but that's not an excuse for you to put your fucking hands on me!", I yelled getting in his face. He sighed in frustration, "I don't give a damn Neicey, you shouldn't have done that & honestly I think it's the perfect excuse for me to slap yo' ass around! Hopefully I slapped some sense into your stupid ass if not shit, let's try it again!", he said coldly putting his face close to mine. I shook my head, "Fuck you, I hate you", I yelled & he slapped me again. "Don't tell me no stupid shit like that again! You don't hate me, you're mad but you don't hate me. Did I knock some sense into you yet?", he said raising his voice. "Don't tell me who I hate you fucking woman beater! I'm done with you & don't worry about seeing our child because you're not & I'm a make damn sure you don't", I responded with an attitude. He gave me a murderous look & stepped to me. I took a step back putting space between us but he just stepped closer to me until he had me pressed up against a wall. I was scared, I ain't gone lie. "You're not gone keep me from seeing my child & we ain't done. Like I said you're mad at me but you still love me & I love you too. We're going to work this out so shut the fuck unless the next words out of your mouth are "I love you"", he said staring into my eyes. I do love him but he's not gonna keep putting his hands on me. I don't want my child to see him hitting me & if that means leaving, then so be it. "I love you", I paused, "but we need a break Julian", I said. "No, we don't. We just have to keep our hands to ourselves & talk shit out", he responded raising my head up by my chin so I'd be looking in his eyes. "No, you need to keep YOUR hands to yourself. You are NOT going to hit me again Julian or I'm gone, me & my baby", I said touching my stomach. "That's my baby too, our baby. I won't hit you no more but you just keep taking me there Neicey. I won't hit you no more though, I swear", he responded then he kissed me passionately picking me up. I hesitated at first but kissed him back & he layed me on the table. He pulled off my basketball shorts & underwear & started eating me out on the table. I'm still pissed off at him & he's got hella work to do. This is a start though.

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