Chapter 38

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*The Next Day*

-DayDay's POV-

I was eating breakfast when someone started ringing my doorbell like a dumbass. "I got it", I said & went answered the door. When I answered the door a little girl ran & hugged my legs. I was so damn confused but I hugged her back. "Uhm, Ju. Who is this?", I asked. He sighed, "Me & Neicey's 4 year old daughter, Khilee", he responded obviously pissed off just saying it. "Oh. Well, hey Khilee. I'm...", she cut me off. "I know who you are! You're my Uncle Dashawn!", she yelled excitedly. I laughed, "Everybody calls me DayDay", I told her. She smirked & damn, do all of their kids have Julian smirk? "I like Dashawn better", she said. I nodded, "Then you & your Aunt Angel are the only ones that call me Dashawn then, alright?", I responded. Her face lit up, "Yeah! Can I go see Aunt Angel?", she said. I nodded, "Yeah let's go Khilee", I told her holding my hand out for her to take. She took it & I turned to Julian, "Bruh you gotta tell me what the fuck happened", I mouthed before she started tugging on my hand. "Come on Uncle Dashawn!", she yelled. Yup, she's high sprung & demanding. Khilee's definitely a Goins.

-Angelic's POV-

I just finished feeding Omarr & a little girl came running up to me. "Hey Aunt Angel!", she yelled hugging me. The girl is adorable, she's beautiful actually but I don't know her by any means, I don't think. "Uhm, hey lil mama", I responded. She giggled, "I'm Khilee! I came here with my daddy!", she yelled jumping up & down. "Whose your daddy sweetheart?", I asked. She smirked & it hit me but I wanted to hear her say it. "Julian of The Ranger$", she said happily. "Who is your mommy then?", I asked. She smiled, "Here's a picture of my mommy", she said in her little voice pulling out a damn iPod touch. Hell, I don't even have one of them. She showed me a picture of her & NeNe. "Ok. That's Neicey or NeNe as we call her. I'm a call your mommy so can you please walk your cousin, Omarr to your Uncle Dashawn?", I responded. She nodded, "Yes ma'am", she said & took Omarr by the hand out of the room. I called NeNe & she answered on first ring. "Angel please tell me Julian's over there! He's not answering his phone for me & I know he's still mad at me...", I cut her off. "Ne, chill! He's here with my surprise niece I didn't know about", I said with an attitude. She sighed, "I didn't tell nobody about her but the twins & that's only because she lived with them. Yes, she's Julian's. Khilee's 4 & told her about all of you. Remember when you got raped & came over to my house & Julian let you in?", she said. I sighed, "Yeah", I responded. "Well that was the night Khilee was conceived & at the time I wasn't sure he wanted her", her voice cracked, "He was enjoying his life & focusing on his career & I didn't want to ruin that for him. Khilee wasn't ruining anything but you know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I had lost memory of her until the other night. I love my daughter so much & she loves her daddy so much. He loves her too & I know that he hates me for not telling him even though he told me he doesn't. I know Angelic, I know he does", she said & started crying. As much as I want to be mad at her I understand but at the same time Julian really has every right to hate her for this shit. That's 4 years he'll never get back with his daughter so I get him being mad. I sighed, "NeNe stop crying. You & I know the funny looking bastard doesn't hate you. Hell yeah, he's mad at you but he'll get over it. Look, this is coming from what I would do but did he hit you when you told him?", I responded. She sniffled, "No, but he should've", she said. I nodded like she could see me, "Ok well I gotta go. I'll see you later", I told her. "Ok, bye & tell Julian & Khilee I said I love them", she responded. I smiled, "I will, bye Ne", I said & we hung up. Wow, nigga!⊙.⊙

-Langston's POV-

Me & Ashley are about to go to Day's & Angel's house but he just text me telling me not to come. So I called him & he answered on 3rd ring. "What's up bro?", he answered. "What happened?", I asked. "Julian & Khilee's here", he responded. "Khilee? I know that nigga's no...", Julian cut me off. "Man nah! Khilee's my daughter", he said. "F.Y.I. you're on speaker so watch what you say nigga", he added. I rolled my eyes, "Nigga, I don't give a fuck. So explain Khilee", I responded. He sighed & told me everything. I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything. "Lang? Hello, Lang?", he yelled. "Stop yelling, damn I'm here!", I yelled annoyed. "Then say something", Julian snapped. I rolled my eyes, "What do I say to that shit? Shit, she's been lying to you for 4 fucking years about your daughter's existence. Nigga, I would've beat the fuck out of her for telling me some shit like that!", I responded raising my voice because it genuinely pissed me off that she'd do that. He sighed, "Trust me the shit crossed my mind but I didn't beat her. I'm just mad as fuck that I missed 4 years of her life for a dumbass reason, assumption", he said & he sounded hurt as hell. I sighed, "At least she told you, I guess. You can't get the last 4 back but you damn sure can be there from here on out & make up for them", I told him. "I know but hurry up & bring ya ass so you can meet your niece nigga", he responded. "Aiight", I said & we hung up. Another kid though that was hidden from him? I don't even know how to look at NeNe now after this shit.

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