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October 24th

Today you wore a beanie. You laughed and said we matched because I had one on my head too. I felt the need to take mine off, because it would never have justice with you around me.

The smile you gave me when I said it was red will forever be engraved in my mind. You seemed surprised that I remembered it was your favourite colour. I could never forget anything about you.

You told me you wanted a dog. I told you about the tiny dog I have at home. You laughed when I told you I'm grateful she doesn't talk, because she would have told me to stop singing years ago. It wasn't even that funny. Yet, you still laughed

You pointed out the freckle that sat in the tip of my nose. You said your friend has one nearly exactly the same. This friend is apparently rather weird most of the time. But, had a special uniqueness about him.

The way you talked about your other friends made me smile.

Maybe I would be ok with just being your friend. Just as long as your smile was as bright as it was today whenever you spoke about me to others.

You asked me if I had secret talents. You laughed again when I said it was eating nearly 20 chicken nuggets in one sitting. You laughed harder when I said I wasn't lying.

I love making you laugh. The way it seemed almost to high pitched for your body, and how you literally say "heh". How can something almost childish make you even more beautiful in my eyes.

You told me to be serious after though. I was tempting to make a joke again, to hear you laugh again, but I told you I could draw anyway.

When I told you, you stared at me for a moment. My heart raced before you told me I looked like an artist. You asked if one day you could see my drawings. I almost refused because I had mostly been drawing almond shaped, brown eyes and red lips with a Cupid's bow that curved deep, making the top lip look as if it was the beginning of a heart.

You told me if I showed you my drawings you would show me yours. Of corse you can draw too. Only you would be able to be beautiful and talent.

Damn you Jeon Jungkook, for giving me more reason to find you absolutely flawless.

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