yes. another one.

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I bet y'all are thinking
"what the hell man the story is over"
but, this may perk your interests.


so, lately this story has just been continuing to grow and gain the interests of people. so I've been sitting here like (I s2g, these photos better post):

 so I've been sitting here like (I s2g, these photos better post):

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like, I dunno even know where begin to say how much it means to me and how much I wanna say thank you and show love and praise to you all

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like, I dunno even know where begin to say how much it means to me and how much I wanna say thank you and show love and praise to you all. I legit read every single comment on here, and have attempted to reply to a few when I can, but there is a bigger point to this.

how would you guys feel about a sequel?

no, it won't actually be a Junglecock book, but, he will be within it, with this female protagonist, BUT, it will in fact be a Taehyung book.

now, the idea I had was it is not going to be in the same timeline as this book, but after this book (the female protagonist and Jungkook are within it and yes, they're together).
it's going to be entirely Taehyung's perspective and evidently a separate story with small crossovers.

this writing style was never the type I would use, but I think it really helped my style grow and develop, so, I thought it would be good practise to do one in a similar/same style to help me grow as a writer.

this story won't have that same soft, feel, but will probably involve a harder, tougher story line with some darker themes (not like ridiculously so, I just thought this book was very light and fluffy and feel good).

so, all I want to know, is would this be something you guys would want? or should I just let it end here? I want to run it by you guys first.

if you are for it:


(this is not swindling for comments, I really wanna know)

it you are against it:


if I get a lot for it, it may take a while for the story itself to be published, as I like to always be ahead in my writing and will write a few chapters before postings.

the storyline for it will be revealed then.

thank you all my lovely LOVELY readers, both for the love and support and for your highly valued feedback.

~ meg out ♡

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