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December 14th

Today was a special day.

You took me to the aquarium. You decided it was about time I got away from gardening. Surely no one can be that content with it.

I assured you once again it was you I was in it for.

It was good thing, because my love for the aquarium was strong enough that I wasn't always distracted by you. I don't think you liked that concept. Every time I got too preoccupied staring at the sea life behind the glass, you would sneak your arms around my waist, and rest your head on my shoulder and pretend to look too.

Somehow I know, you knew, how much of a weakness you were to me.

You made me laugh, because you seem genuinely upset when you realised you ate sushi for lunch at an aquarium. Each tank we then went by, you apologised to the fish. I loved the childish side of you.

The best was walking through the tunnel made of purely glass. I don't think you liked it as much, because I think you knew that not even you could break my wonder. As I stood in the middle of it, looking around in awe, I noticed you pull out your phone and take a picture. Instead of being mad, I posed for the next one.

Your nose scrunched up, and your smile with all your teeth showing, as I poked my tongue out at you.

Those weren't even what made this day special.

No. It was the moment when we reached the fishbowl, and I stood against the glass, and watched in complete wonderment as a shark went past. For a moment I was so fixated on the sea creature, I barely processed your voice.

"I'm sorry, but can you take a picture of me with my girlfriend?"

How can one line affect me so much. I surely looked like a maniac when you wrapped your arm around my shoulder, because my smile was nearly splitting my face in two. The woman who did it, gave us a huge smile as she handed you back your phone.

I pointed out how you called me your girlfriend.

All you did was smile, and give me a kiss on my cheek, and say how cool the shark that passed us was.

Surely you would be the death of me, Jeon Jungkook.

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