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October 25th

You remembered that I loved iced tea. Especially the peach flavour. You would have laughed at me, because I still have the empty bottle at home.

You brought that strange friend you were talking about yesterday. He was cute, like you, but some how your beauty still shone brighter.

Kim Taehyung he introduced himself as. He had this adorable rectangle smile. I still loved your crinkle eyed one more. He was ecstatic that we shared the same mole on our nose. He is strange like you told me. I liked him already.

He showed me the way he could make and elephant with the two freckles on his arms. I love the way you blushed when he said you had matching ones on the back of your calf.

I laughed when he got mad that he couldn't show me it because you had jeans on.

I was disappointed he had to leave, but any time alone with you was worth it.

You sat around longer today. This time, you made me tell you what each coloured rose meant. I told you white was innocence and purity, and was usually used for weddings. Pink is for thanks you's . Peach for desire. Lavander for enchantment. You already knew red was for love and yellow for friendship.

I hope you didn't see my blush when you asked what rose I would give you. I just handed you a yellow rose with a red tip. I just told you it was the representation of a new friendship. I just hope you didn't go home and look up the real meaning. You told me you would buy me a plain yellow rose.

How did you manage to make my heart flutter but fall at the same time.

When you handed me the yellow rose, you took my breath away with a smile. You told me it matched my yellow shirt that day. The way your eyes half closed, and the way your whole face lit up as you smiled. Your face was so close, I nearly forgot the reason why you come here often, and had the urge to kiss you.

I didn't do it. I think it was more my own sake. It would have been me losing the last thing I had to my name.

I couldn't let you steal the last piece of my heart Jeon Jungkook. Not yet.

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