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December 5th

Taehyung came in today. Just him.

Having a conversation with him felt so natural, once again I missed our easy flowing conversation. I didn't like the awkward mess we had become.

He managed to make me laugh. Not as hard as you do, but it was enough.

If I thought you had childlike wonder, I didn't know how to describe Taehyung. He smelled every scented candle in the shop. Twice. He started sneezing for a minute straight.

He played with the ornaments and statues we sold for people's gardens. He made a deal of mimicking each of the garden gnomes one by one. Some of them were too perfect, that I couldn't help but laugh. He made me smile and almost forget how upset I was about how we felt like we had a valley between us.

Maybe it's because I had grown used to it being easy, that this was so much more noticeable.

Taehyung stayed around the whole day with me. I was a little surprised. I hadn't really spent much time with him beside when you were there alongside him.

It was near the end of the day, when the shop was dead. It would be very unlikely another customer would come in. That was when I blurted my thoughts to him.

It was because he was easy to talk to. Even with his childish ways, he listened intently to me.

I told him how I had felt since I met you. I told him about how you kissed me. I told him about the rose. I told him how I felt frustrated by our awkwardness around each other now. You know the first thing he did when I told him?

He laughed at me.

I felt mildly offended, and stupid for blurting to him. Maybe it wasn't a good idea. That was, until he shook his head at me, and ruffled my hair and told me the one piece of information that made my worries start to evaporate.

I forgot you told me how you were around girls you liked Jeon Jungkook.

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