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December 11th

Today there was another rose on the counter. It was a gorgeous lavender one. I picked it up and smiled.

Never would I have thought you would finally be buying roses for me.

You came in when I was half way through smelling it. You gave me a full faced smile. You told me it was purple because I was enchanting to you.

My cheeks could have cooked a whole meal on them.

Today after work, you asked if I wanted to go and watch movies at your place. I almost refused because I know movies were pointless with you around me, but I could never pass up the opportunity of being with you.

Your family is cute. I loved how you blushed when they teased you for bringing a girl home, especially your little brother. You then proceeded to ruthlessly attack him. Apart of me may have been concerned, if I had stopped admiring the smile on your face as your brother laughed and squirmed in your arms.

I also loved how when you took me up stairs to your room, and your brother called me your girlfriend, you didn't correct him.

I wasn't sure what we were right now. But I know it's something I wanted.

Seeing your room may have been my favourite part. It held so much character for lifeless objects. The messy double bed that was unmade. The posters of singers you like. The clothes that were still on the floor that you forgot to put in the laundry, and you were highly embarrassed by.

It's ok. I don't mind. It made your human side show again. No matter how stunning you were, your humanity was my favourite.

We lay on your bed together, and put on some superhero movie. You originally asked me to pick, but I decided not to bother because I know I wasn't going to watch it. I realised it was the same movie you put on when you stayed over that one night at my house.

I realised you weren't really planning on paying attention either.

I have never wanted to continuously kiss someone, until I tasted your lips. I have never wanted someone to tangle their fingers in my hair, until you curled yours in mine. I never wanted to feel another persons skin on mine, because it would never cause goosebumps like your fingertips do. I never want anyone to say my name again, because it would sound wrong when it's not from you.

We wasted that entire afternoon, kissing, laughing, talking, kissing. I was giddy. If there was something beyond cloud 9, I was there.

It got late, and I stayed for dinner. You offered to walk me home. We took the long way, but I didn't mind.

We walked through the night air, and you told me all about that girl again. It didn't bother me. Not in the slightest. When you mentioned her name, your eyes didn't light up like they used to. But they did when you would glance at me.

You told me how it was easy to move on, because she was never truly yours. Although you gave everything, you never got gifted back. You believed it was just an infatuation. Her face capture you more than her mind.

I related to that. But that was before you let me into your own thoughts. Since then, I haven't been able to let go.

You told me something that hasn't really crossed my mind. You told me I wasn't a rebound to you. You weren't doing this to get back at her. I was more than a piece in a game to you.

I didn't realised they were unspoken worries before you said them.

I guess I never questioned it because you were always so genuine. I was too lost in the curves of your lips and the twinkle in your irises to think about the consequences of falling and not being caught. But you were you. I knew that the last thing you'd ever want to do was hurt someone.

I let my fingers trace your cheeks and I melted into your lips, hoping to capture the words you said with my own mouth.

Nothing can ever beat the way you kissed me back, Jeon Jungkook.

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