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November 22nd

I had just got your smile back, but it disappeared today.

She was standing on the same corner. She was neither with you or alone. She was with another man. She was looking at him the same way you use to stare at the flowers in your hands.

I have never seen your face drop so suddenly. I saw all you wanted to do was run away, but some how I kept you grounded. I was almost surprised when you listened to my words.

I made you come inside, and you sat on the edge of the counter in silence. I would always sneak glances, but didn't speak, knowing your mind was too far for me to reach right now. You waited until my shift was over, and you followed me home, like a lost puppy.

It was ok. Mum worked nights.

I made you sit on the couch and I grabbed tons of popcorn and other junk food. I got you a blanket and wrapped you up, until all your could see was the your eyes and top of your head peeking out.

I giggled at how adorable you looked. I saw your eyes crinkle slightly, so I knew I had almost succeeded once again in bringing your smile back.

I let you choose every movie we watched. It didn't matter to me, I was too busy being wrapped up in your presence to take notice if I liked them or not.

The light in your eyes was starting to return. You even smiled and would chuckle at funny parts in the movies.

As it got late, some time is the A.M I think, I felt my eyelids get heavy. I was about to close them, when you fell sideways, and your head landed straight on my lap.

Just like that, all thoughts of sleep had slipped my mind.

You had fallen asleep yourself, and I was stuck staring down at you. I thought you were beautiful before, but nothing could have prepared me for this.

You face look so peaceful, so angelic, I was honestly stunned. Your lips were parted as you took in deep breaths. Your eyes close and your eyelashes were softly brushing the top of your cheek bones. Your face had completely smooth out, all trace of worry and hurt had left you.

I did something stupid.

I reached out, and pushed your hair away from your forehead, letting to soft strand slide over my fingers. Very very carefully, I leant down and I kissed your forehead. I'm thankful you didn't wake up, but I swear I saw for a moment, a smile curve on your lips.

Sweet dreams, Jeon Jungkook

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