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November 8th

You pricked your finger again today. I had told you a thousand times over to be careful, but you never seemed to listen. I wrapped the roses up with extra paper, and gave you a whack over the back of the head. You glared at me, but all I felt was my heart ram against my chest because I had no idea anyone could look so adorable.

You always complained about your fingers hurting for days on end after you had stabbed them.

I don't think you had any idea that there was a worse pain than the bite of a thorn.

I saw you on the corner with her today. She was as beautiful as you had told me she was. I felt a pain in my heart but I still smiled. You want to know why? Because I loved you too much to be angry or sad.

Because your happiness meant so much more to me than my own.

So I let you be, and went back into my hideaway of the shop. I found a small smile stay twisted on my mouth for the rest of the day.

The clouds darkened outside, and I found myself hoping you had shelter somewhere before it rained.

When I was leaving the store, the sky had completely opened and cried on me. Should I be considered weird because it's sadness made me smile. You wouldn't consider me weird. You knew how much I loved the rain. You knew me.

I also knew you. Which is why I knew instantly it was you sitting on the curb. Alone.

All I could hear was the pounding of the rain on my umbrella and the pavement. I'm assuming that's why you didn't hear me approach you. That, or you just chose to ignore my presence.

The rain dripped off the end of your hair, creating a trail done your face, before dropping into the gutter below you. The bouquet of roses I wrapped for you sat limply in your hands, ruined by the excessive amount of water.

Not a single trace of the crinkled eyed smile I loved was on your face.

I didn't know what to do. So, I placed the umbrella over your head, knowing that sheltering you from the rain was easier than sheltering you from the hurt you were obviously feeling. Even though it was fruitless because you were soaked to the bone and already in pain.

I stood for a while, waiting for you to look up and smile. To tell me you just wanted to enjoy the rain. That's the real reason for you sitting here. But you just continued to stare intently at the broken flowers in your hands.

I then decided to sit beside you. My shoulder against yours, as we sat under the cover of my umbrella, and watched the liquid of the sky wash the streets away, preparing them to be reborn.

Neither of us spoke. Mostly because I didn't know what to say. Yet the lack of words was also what kept me grounded. Not once did you tell me to go away.

Together, we watched the red petals create makeshift boats down the river in the gutter. I wish the rain could have washed away your pain as easy as that.

I told you there is worse pain than the thorns of a rose Jeon Jungkook.

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