"I like your Cobain shit"

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  I took my phone out of my pocket and it was my mom.
I answered it and she yelled:"Where do you think you are? I have called you for 6 times and you hhaven't answered. Do you know how worried I am? Come home right now!"
She ended the call before I could say anything. Lis just asked casualy:"Over proctetive parents again?"
I just laughed, and gave the read-head, Michael his coat back.
"Okay, I have to go now. See you guys sometimes?"
Lis hugged me and whispered in my ear:"I'll get you Michaels number"
I laughed and started walking away, when I heard an Australian accent.
"Hey, do you think, that it's a good idea to walk home this late?"
It was the read head.
"No, it isn't that late, and I can handle anything."
"It's 3.15, Mary. Let me drive you home."
"You don't have to..."
"But what, if I want to?"
We laughed a bit and started walking towards his car.
I noticed, that he is wearing Cobains shirt
"Oh my god, Cobains shirt? I love that!"
"Really? Well, I love your Green Day shirt"
"Haha, thanks. So, what's your favorite band?"
"All time low, I just love their music."
We arrived to Michaels car, it was a black Audi. As soon as we sat into the car, he turned on radio.
"Where to m'lady?"
I laughed and told him my address. We somehow talked about everything, and he is actully a nice guy.


Holy shit, this girl is amazing. I actully wish, that this car ride would last forever.
Maybe I should ask her for her phone number.
Maybe i could aske her out for a date.
Maybe she already has a boyfriend.
Maybe she doesen't like me.
God, I'm thinking too much. Stop. Stop. Stop. Oh fuck it. I'll just ask for hr number.
"Hey Mary..."
"Michael, can you come to my backyard in like.. 30 minutes?"
"Uh, sure"
"Okay, seeya" She said, hugged me, and went to her house.
This girl...


This is so bad idea. Why am I doing this? I just met him. Ugh.
As I stepped in, my mom started yelling at me, like usualy.
"Good night, mom!"
"You're so much trouble lately, what's going on Mary?"
"I'm going to bed, I'm tired."
I heard my mom sigh, and it made me really sad.
I went to my room, locked the door and went out on the balcony.
"Hey, Michael, are you here?"
I waited... Silence.. I sighed, seems like he isn't such a nice guy.
I turned my back and opened my balcony door, when I heard a quiet chuckle.
"I'm here, I'm here."
I felt how my heart started pounding in chest and I felt the adreline pumping in my veins.
"Wait a minute!"
I went to my room and grabbed my bag and a warm hoodie.
"I'm coming down!"
"Are you crazy? You'll hurt yourself!"
"If I'm going to fall, you have to catch me!"
I climbed over the balcony and somehow managed to get down with no problems.
"Okay, let's go"
"It's a secret" I winked at Michael.
We started walking out of y backyard, when I saw the livingroom light go on and someone coming closer to the window.
"Oh shit"
I grabbed Michaels arm and we runned.  

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