Close as strangers

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I was sitting alone in the beach and I took out my guitar and notebook.
As I was playing chords, words flew out of my mouth.

"Wont give up,
even tough it hurts so much.
Every night,
I'm losing you in a thousand faces,
I feel like we're as close as strangers."

Shit, everything feels so shitty right now.
What did I do, to deserve that?

I fucking love Mary.
I love her.
I love her.
I love her.
I love her.

I finished writing the song and played it, while also singing it.


I don't remember either Michael or Luke, but it feels like, Michael is telling me the truth.
Which means, that Luke is lying.

I have to go and apologize to Michael.
But I don't have his number and I have no idea, where he might be.

While being confused and angry at myself, I went to my car and drove.
Just drove.

I got out in a parking lot, where also was a black Audi.

As I got out of my car, I heard some music.
I followed the music and ended up on a beach, where I saw a guy with bright red hair sitting and playing guitar.
It's really hard to guess who it is.. Michael.

I stayed quiet and listened to the words he sang.

"I feel, like we're as close as strangers."

I felt how tears started falling down from my cheeks and I accidentally let out a little sob.

He stopped playing as he heard that and stood up.

"I'm sorry."

I went up to him and hugged him.

"I am so sorry, that I was asshole. I wish, that I could remember, but I can't, and I don't know why. Please, forgive me. I'm so, so, so sorry."
"Hey, it's okay, calm down. It's not your fault." He said as he wiped my tears "It's not your fault, that Luke lied to you. He is good at it. Really good."

"Yeah, I got that already" I chuckled a bit and looked him straight into his eyes.
"The song sounds so sad, but it's beautiful."
"Just like you."

I felt, how my heart kept beating faster and faster and I decided to do it.
I pushed my lips gently on his and put my hands around his neck.
As he kissed back, I got a flashback, what made me pull away.

"Is everything okay?"
"I just remembered something. We were drinking beer here and Seth came and you held me and we kissed. I remember our first kiss!"
"Really?" He sounded so excited.
"Yes!" I said as I kissed him again.

I pulled away as my phone rang.

"It's Luke, I'll take it quickly, okay?"
"Yea, sure"

I answered the phone, being nervous.

"Hey babe, where are you? I went to your place and there's no one here."
"Oh, I went for a walk."
"With your car? What is going on? Are you cheating on me?"
"Hey! We aren't even dating, you asshole!"
"Oh, I see, you are with Michael? And do you really believe him?"
"Yes, I do. You can leave me alone and never call me again or come to my place."

I ended the call, being as angry as possible.

Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah, just Luke being, well, Luke."
"Oh, do you want to go home?"
"No, he's at my place, waiting for me."
"I can take you to my place."
"Are you sure?"
"If you can stand 3 aussies in one house, then yes. Cal and Ash are staying at my place at the moment."
"oh yeah, it's okay. But I'll take my car home, okay?"
"Yeah, sure, I'll drive behind you."

We drove to my house and I saw Luke's car in my driveway.
I parked my car and went to Michaels car quickly.

As I got in I had another flashback.

"Hey, I just had another flashback."
"Do you want to tell me about it?"
"It was your bands gig, and we were outside. My mom called and you dropped me off to my place."
"The night we met."
"Yup, best night of my life"  

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