Back to school

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  Time, I had to spent in the hospital went by really fast and soon I was back at home.
Michael was with me all the time, he could.
He made sure, that I felt good and that I was okay. He was really worried about me.

The few weeks of summer went by really fast and soon the school started.
I woke up extra early so I could look like a human when I go outside of my house in weeks.

I saw, that Michael was still sleeping so I decided to not to wake him up yet.
I went to bathroom and made myself look like a human.

Next thing I went downstairs and made breakfast for me and Michael.
I decided to do some waffles.

I went back upstairs and jumped in bed.

"Oh god, please no. I need 5 more minutes."
"No, wake up, I am not going there without you. Come on, it's our last year, we can do it."
"Let's just cuddle like 5 minutes," as he said that, he pulled me to the bed.
"Michael, please don't do this to me. We have school..."
"Just 5 minutes babe"

We had been in bed for 2 minutes, when Ashton came in and started screaming:
"I knew, that you would want to ditch the school! Come on, last year, you guys can do it!"
"Why did you come here Ash?" Michael asked.
"Michael, you are like my brother, I knew, that you would want to ditch the school."
"I didn't want to ditch it. Maybe."
"Okay, get up you two now!" Ash said, and he pulled the blanket off of us.

I got up and took Michaels hand and basically pulled him out of the bed, while Ash laughed over it.

"Come on Michael, don't be a baby."
"okay okay I'm up."

He got up and me and Ash went downstairs, until Michael changed.

"If you feel like you want to get home from school, call me, I'll pick you up. I don't want you to do something bad to yourself, okay?"
"Thanks Ash"

Ashton has been like a big brother to me, that I never had.
He was always there for me, if I needed any help.

Finally, Michael was ready and got downstairs.
He also ate and soon it was time to go.

"Byee Ash, see you later!" Me and Michael said, before we left.

We arrived at school, and everyone was staring at us, as we walked the hall together.

"Michael, everyone are staring at you. You rockstar." I laughed.
"I'm not sure, if they are looking at me tho.."

A girl ran to me and said
"Oh my god Mary, are you okay? I heard about the accident, If you need any help, then here's my number" and she gave me a paper.
"Umm, thanks."

"What was that all about?"
"Your car accident was in news, it was pretty big."
"Oh, okay."

The school day was okay, until lunch.
I sat with Michael and Luke, while we ate, but suddenly, I got a text from my dad.
I opened it and read it.
Tears came to my eyes.

"Michael, I have to go, see you after school at my place, sorry, love you, bye"

Before he could respond, I ran away, while dialing Ashtons number.
He picked up really fast.

"Ash, pick me up. I found out something bad and I can't handle being at school."

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