It's going to be okay

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I followed Mary and tried to talk to her, but she ran to home and slam the door. I was collecting my thoughts, how to say it, when I heard yelling.
I couldn't understand, what the person yelled, but I recognized words like bitch, and your fault.
I heard a slap and Marys voice screaming.
What the fuck is going on in there?
I just opened the door and saw Mary on the floor, passed out I think and a woman beating her.
I pushed the woman away and picked Mary up. She wont be here. I wont let her be here.
Who was that woman? Was that her mom?
While thoughts were running through my head, I picked out my phone and called Luke.

"Hey mate, can you pick me up? I have a little problem?"
"Yeah, sure, where are you?"
"Few houses away from Marys home, please come as quick as you can"
"I'm running already"
"Thanks mate"

We hang up the call and I sat down, holding Mary. She looked so fragile.
This is so shitty,

Soon enough, Luke arrived and we got Mary into his car, and I sat next to her on the backseat.
"What happened?" Luke finally asked?
"Long story short, I wanted to talk to her, I heard noises from her home, I went in, a woman was beating her and I 'saved' her."
"Oh shit, is he hurt badly?"
"I hope not, I got in as soon as I heard that stuff"

We got to my place and I carried Mary to my room.
I lied next to her for a while, not knowing what to do.
I feel like I can't do anything while she looks so broken and sad.


I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange place.
I moved my head and automatically said:"Owwwww"
It fucking hurts. How did get here tho?
I looked next to me and saw sleeping Michael. I let out a little sound, what reminded a squeak a bit.
Michaels arm was around me and he looked khind of cute.
I checked my pockets for my phone and found it.
I opened my camera app and took a picture of him... With sound and flash on.
Michael mumbled something about mushrooms and cheesecake. I couldn't hold myself back and burst into laughter.
He opened his eyes looking as confused as me, when I woke up.

"So, how did you sleep, Michael?" I laughed "ow..." That hurt my head..
"Are you okay? Do you want some aspirine?"
"Yeah, that would be nice to be honest"

He got up and went out of the room and came back with aspirine and a glass with water.
"You know, it's 2:30 am.."
"Shit. Really? Um.. Is it okay, if I stay here tonight? Where am I though?"
"Yes, it's 2:30, I wouldn't even let you go home right now, and you're at my place"
"Would you like something more comfortable to wear? I can give you my XXXL band tee"
"I would love that, thanks."
He threw me his Deep Purple band tee and he wasn't even joking, it's XXXL
"You can sleep here, and I'll go and sleep on the couch, good night."
"Michael... Please stay."
I didn't feel like sleeping alone, after what has happened to me lately.
"Are... Are you sure?" He asked carefully.
"Yes, I'm sure you idiot" I laughed a bit.
"If that's what you want"

I went quickly to the bathroom and changed and put my hair into a messy bun and looked myself. I look horrible...
When I went back to his room, he was already in bed. I got into the bed and snuggled next to him.
He put his arm around me and I felt complete.
It was different with Seth.
With Michael it feels right. And like that we felled asleep.

I woke up to my alarm beeping like usually, but this time I woke up next to Michael.
I turned off the alarm and looked Michael, who was half awake.
"Good morning."
"There's nothing good in mornings" Mikey pouted.
"You're right.. can we ditch the school today?"
"My 2nd day in this new school and you want to ditch..." Michael made a suprised face "I like that idea."
"In that case, I wont move out of this bed anytime soon,"
Michael just laughed a bit, but he looked concerned.
"What's wrong?" I asked a bit sadly.
"What was going on at your place yesterday? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but..."
"It was my mom. After she came back from vacation, she told me that she broke up with my dad and it was all my fault. She hit me couple times after that and left. When I got back home yesterday, she was drunk and attacked me again.."
"Whoa, this isn't okay. You can move in here, if you want to though."
"I don't want to be trouble for you."
"You wouldn't be. And, I wont let you go home, atlest not this week. Your mom has to calm down and stop blaming you, it's not your fault"
I felt, how hot tears rolled down from my cheeks and Michael just hugged me and told me, that everything is going to be alright.
Somehow I fell asleep while he hugged me.

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