Tea time with Luke

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Luke's coming over.
Michael is with Stacy.
My parents are on vacation and I'm home alone, looking like a total mess.

I have no idea, why would Luke come over or how he even got my number. I should fix my hair and make up.
As I've finished, I heard the door knock.

I ran downstairs, and opened the door with a big smile, that I tried to fake.
"Hey Mary! How are you feeling?"
"Actually better, and I think, that I could use some fresh air. Wanna sit in front of my house and chill... or something?" I tried to act cool.
"Sure, why not. Oh, by the way, Michael was with a girl in our band practice, Stacy or something. You know her?"
I felt shivers going down from my spine.
"Yeah, we used to be good friends until she changed and... Never mind."
I felt anger and envy towards Stacy.
"Hm, okay.. You wanna talk about it?"
"Better not," I smiled a bit "Hey, you want some tea? I can make some"

We drank tea and had a small talk. It started to get chillier outside and Luke noticed it.
He put his hand around me and pulled me closer...


I drove Stacey home and said, that I was a bit tired and wanted to go home to sleep.
Even though she wanted to join me, I convinced her, that it's a bad idea.
I better should go and check on Mary.

When I pulled over in front of her house I saw her and... Luke...
They are sitting and Luke is holding her and around her shoulders.
What the fuck.


Heyy, this was a kind of a fill in chapter, because I'm having a writers block(probs because my school starts again tomorrow and I'm a little stress ball :c)
I still hope, that you liked it, 
Comment, what you think, will happen and rate :)


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