I dream of you

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  I woke up before the guys, so I slipped out of the bed and went to the bathroom and made myself look like a human being.
As quiet as possible, I went downstairs and sat on the couch and let out a big sigh.
In just few hours they will go away, back to their life with all the girls screaming and me being just well me.

"Hey, why are you awake so early?" I heard Ashton ask, while he sat down next to me.
"Oh, I couldn't sleep. A bit sad."
"Oh yeah, Michael is also really sad. He has been waiting to meet the 'girl from my dreams' for forever."

We sat there in silence when Ash awkwardly asked
"Um, do you have an extra iPhone charger?"
"Yeah, it's in the room, where Luke and Calum sleep. I'll go and get it."

I got up and went quietly upstairs and stepped in to my parents room, where I saw Calum and Luke cuddling. This is too cute.
I took the charger and went back downstairs.

Somehow Michael has appeared there too.

"There you go Ash, and good morning Mikey"
"Hey babe," He said as we kissed.
"I think, that I'll go back upstairs and just leave you too alone."

Before we could say anything, he disappeared upstairs.

"I don't want to go."
"I don't want you to leave, but I know that you have to, 5sos fam is waiting for you guys."
"Yeah... As soon as the tour is over, I'll come back here to you."
"I'm already missing you." We just stood in the living room and hugged.

I felt, how I wanted to start crying, but I wont. Not in front of Michael.
I can't.

When we finally pulled away from each other, I saw tears in his eyes.

"It will all be okay, Michael. We will see catheter again in no time." I tried to make him feel better.
"I know, but just, I have been waiting to meet you for years. And now, that I found you, I'm afraid, that you'll just disappear, like a dream. I am afraid, that this is another dream."
"Hey, this time, this is real. This is not a dream. I promise."

Soon came the time, when the guys needed to go.
Gusbus was parked in front of my house and we were all saying goodbye.
"Byeeeeeee Maryyyy!" Ash screamed as he gave me a big bear hug.
"See you soon!" Luke and Cal said together and then hugged me.

And then it was Michaels turn.
I tried to hold back the tears, but as soon as we hugged without saying a word, I started crying.
He wiped away my tears, kissed me and said:
"See you in dreams."
"See you in dreams."

And they were gone.
Only for 3 weeks.
But it seemed so long time.

I fell on the ground and started sobbing.
And finally I fell asleep on the ground, sobbing.

I opened my eyes and everything was white and some machines were beeping.
I tried to look around but I couldn't move much.

I blinked my eyes few times and heard someone talking.

"Mary.. Are you really awake? Nurse! She is awake!"


She has been in coma for 2 weeks now. It seems hopeless.
She went drinking with Luke, he tried to drug her, she fell, but woke up soon and decided to drive away and got into a car crash.
I have been here almost every day and I wont leave her side.

I read from the internet, that she could hear, what I'm talking in my dreams, so I talked a lot of our memories.

"Me and Luke got to a fight last night, but we made up, for the band. I wish you were here, we are getting bigger and bigger every day."

I let out a big sigh and continued
"Do you remember our first kiss at the beach? When Seth and Beca came there and we were slightly drunk? Or when we were at my place and made pancakes together?"
"Excuse me sir, the visitation time is over for today"
"Okay, I'll leave in a second. I will always love you and only you Mary."

~1 month later~

"Heyy Mary, I still love you and I wont give up on you. I know that you can make it out of that. I wish, that you could wake up soon, I miss you and life is boring without you. Do you remember the time, when we went to the fair and I told you, that I loved you? I still do. I always will. Or do you remember, when we first met at our gig and I noticed you, only you from the crowd?"

I looked at the time and I knew that I had to go.

~1 and half months later~

"Mary please. Don't leave me. It is getting harder to live without you. I need you. Do you remember, how you used to buy me coffee, when you were coming to my place in the mornings, and you always knew, what I wanted? Or how we spent our weekends at my or yours place with the guys. The guys also miss you. We all do."

~1 month later~

"Mary. I wont give up on you. If you should... Go... Then I will go too. Do you remember our Disney movie nights and how I cried every time, when we watched Lion King? If you wake up, I promise, that we will do a movie night. Or just night, where we chill together. I need you. I love you. Please come back. It is really hard for me to live without you. I love you."

As I finished talking, I saw, that she was blinking her eyes.
*"Mary! It's okay. Are you really waking up? It can't be true. Nurse! She is waking up!"  

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