How many pairs of skinny jeans do you have?

5 1 0

  "Hey, you know, I need to get at least some of my stuff, if I'll stay here?"
"Yeah, but how?" Michael seemed worried.
"Well, I have a plan..."
"Tell me!"
"I could climb up to my balcony at night and go to my room quietly..."
"But what if your mom finds out?"
"She wont, she is probably drunk and sleeping or out drinking."
"If you think, that it's a good idea, then I'm down, but I'm coming with you," Michael said and kissed me.

​​​~6 hours later~

​​​"Okay, I think it's enough late, let's go?"
I know, that Michael doesn't like this idea, because he is scared, that my mom will find out.
To be honest, I'm also afraid of that. But I can't only wear one pair of skinny black jeans and his band tees.

​​​We finally got to my house and sneaked to backyard.
Michael boosted me up and then came after me.
We got in.
I quickly took my big sports bag and started throwing things in it.

​​​"You need some help?"
"Nah, I'm good"
Michael just laid on my bed and watched me, as I put my stuff together.
"How many black skinny jeans do you have?" He asked, when I opened my closet, what was full of them.
"Not enough" we both laughed quietly.

​​​I took my wallet and my notebook and threw them in my bag.
Suddenly, I heard the door open.
My froze and my heart skipped a beat.
I turned around to find really confused Nami standing on my door.

​​​"Um, Mary, when did you get home?"
"I should ask you the same"
"Mom called me and asked me to live with you, because she moved out for some stupid reason"
"They broke up with dad and she told that it was my fault."
"What. The. Fuck." Nami's face went red. "It's not your fault and I guess, that you will be okay living alone tough, I have to get back to uni tomorrow. By the way, who are you?" Nami looked at Michael.
"Um, he is Michael, my friend"
Michael got up and shaked Namis hand.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Nami, Mary's sister."
"nice to meet you too."
"Why are you packing also?"
"Um, long story short, mom was mad at me, so I decided, that I'd stay at Michaels place for a while, and I didn't want mom to know, that I'm home, so we climbed up and here we are."
"You are still a weirdo. But I'll go downstairs and leave you two alone"


​​​It was nice to meet Mary's sister and it was also good to know, that Mary is okay now, and her mom wont come back.
But it made me kind of sad, because, she wouldn't stay at my place now.

​​​"Hey, you okay?"
She probably noticed my melancholic look.
"Yea, I'm fine."
"Errm, maybe you could stay at my place today? It's kind of late and stuff, you know."
Her cheeks turned a bit red and she looked down when she said it.
I went to her and put my hand under her chin and lifted her head so she was looking at me now.
"For you, I would do anything, princess" And I pushed my lips gently on hers.  

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