Stressed out

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My alarm clock beeping loudly was the first thing I heard in the morning.
It's 6 o'clock... I don't want to go to that stupid school, where everyone are fake as fuck and...
I took quickly a shower, blow dried my hair and did my make-up.
I chose to wear black skinny jeans(Like usually) and atl t-shirt.
I went downstairs and grabbed an apple quickly.
My mom isn't still home. She went out last night, after she hit me couple times.

As I walked to school, I played on full sound Twenty one pilots- Stressed Out and it made me think, what a big stress ball I am.

I arrived at the school and I felt how shivers went down from my spine and wanted to go home already.
As I walked the corridor, I got pushed down. Usual.
My first class was physics. I went to the class and sat to my seat, kind of in middle of the class.
The bell rang and Mr. Shurman cleared his throat to get our attention.
Just when he wanted to start talking, two guys stepped in to the class.

"So you two must be the new guys in our school, right? Why wont you tell us a bit of your selves?"
"Um, I'm Michael, I play in a band, and I transferred to this school, because I moved near here last year with my band and this school is nearer to my home so... yeah" He looked down whole time.
Luke introduced himself also.
"So Mica, you can go sit there," he pointed next to me and I swear, Michaels face turned as red as his hair. Wait, when did he dye his hair back to red again? "And you, Lu... nevermind, you can sit there."

I opened my book and focused on it.

"Um, hey Mary..."
I ignored him as hard as I could.
"I want you to know, that I am real sorry."
If there was a class called ignoring in this school, I would get straight A's.
"You have to do out of class work with your deskmate where you need to.." Ugh, Schurman.

Finally the bell rang and I basically ran out of the class. Great, just great.

I wasn't paying attention, where I was walking and I ran into one of those popular jocks.
"Hey, watch where you're going you little slut!"
Again, I felt the stinging slap on my cheek and I fell down. De. Ja. Vu.
He kicked me in my stomach once and then got pulled away.
"Hey, what the fuck do you think, you are doing? What the fuck is wrong with you?"
It was Michael.
Mikey hit him couple times, while someone was helping me stand up.
"Are you okay, Mary?" Luke...
"yeah, just leave me alone."
I started to walk away, but Michael grabbed my hand.
I just went with him.

We sat outside, while he used a tissue to wipe away the blood, what came from my nose.

"Has this happened to you ever before?"
"No..." I lied. This was usual thing to me to be honest.
"Are you sure?"
As I looked his eyes, I saw concern.
"Yeah, this was the first time something like that has happened." BULLSHIT.
I looked at my phone.
"Siht, I have a class!"
I just ran to bathroom quickly and then to my class.

When my school day was finally over, I started walking back to home.

I really hope, that mom isn't home. Or if he is, that she is calm.

I was so caught up with my thoughts, that I didn't even realize, that Michael came next to me.
"Mary, I want you to know, that I am really sorry." He said as he grabbed my shoulders and looked me straight in to my eyes "I don't know, what was wrong with me. Will you ever forgive me?"
I just sighed and started walking again.
"Please. Mary."
I saw my house already.
"Can you just fuck off? I'm really not in the mood for the 'I'm sorry' stuff. If you really are sorry then show it."

I arrived to my house and went in and slammed the door maybe a bit too hard.
I sat down and I heard steps coming down from upstairs and screaming:"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SLAMMING THE DOORS YOU BITCH?"
My mom. She was drunk. And angry.
I already knew what was going to happen.
Before I knew she hit me with her leg and I let a little scream out of my mouth.
"This. Is. All. Your. Fault." She yelled, while she hit me.
I started blacking out, when it stopped.
I heard some talking, but hardly. It was all mumbling for me.
Someone picked me up and I passed out.

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