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I woke up today from a nightmare. It was about Alistair, I dream a lot about him, I miss him so much. We were in the games, I heard him screaming and I ran to find him. As far as I ran I could never find him, until it was too late. I finally reached him and he was impaled with a spear. I ran to him, but a force field blocked me.
A: Alistair! Alistair! Stay with me! Please!
Al: Why didn't you help me? You let me die.
He wasn't impaled anymore, he was standing behind me with an axe in his hand. It was like he teleported. I looked at him shocked and confused.
A: I tried Al! I tried to save you!
Al: You didn't do shit! And now, I'm gonna kill you!
He gripped his axe and lifted it up. I started to gasp as he swung his axe  back down. It was about to hit me.
A: Alistair! No!

F: *shakes Annie* Annie stop! It's just a nightmare!
A: Alistair! Alistair! No! No! No!
F: *grabs Annie's cheeks* Annie! Look, it's me, its Finnick! Alistair isn't here! Nobody will hurt you!
A: *snaps out of nightmare* Fin...Finnick! *hugs* Oh my god! It was terrible! *cries*
F: *strokes hair* Shhhhh. It's ok. I'm here. It was all a nightmare. You're safe.
A: I'm not. I'm at the Capitol. I'm going into the games again and worse I'm going in them with you. I am not safe at all! *cries*
F: *calms Annie down* Shhhh. It's ok. Honey, why don't we get ready for training. Take the day slow. Do something simple, like rope tying.
A: No! No ropes!
F: *remembers Alistair and his ropes* Oh...ya don't do that. How about you work on your fish hook skills? That always cheered you up back in 4.
A: Ya...with Mags.
F: Hey *hugs* it'll be ok, Annie. I promise you that you will see her again.
A: I just wish that the games allowed two victors. Like last year.
F: Ya I wish too Annie.

We arrived at the training area. It was the same as I remembered it. Still as brutal and scary as before. I tightened my grip on Finnick's hand as I saw Enorbaria looking at me with devil eyes. I looked back at her with a death stare and she just looked away, pissed. I walked over to a creativity hut thing and started pruning things together for a fish hook. I was making one of Mag's favorites. I looked over and saw Finnick doing some mad trident skills. He looked over at me and smirked. I smiled and blushed in return. I went back to making the fishhook, as Katniss walked up to me.
K: Hi.
A: Hi.
K: I hope you know that I wasn't flirting with the tributes parade.
A: I know. I trust Finnick.
K: I saw you volunteer for that old woman. That was really brave.
A: Thanks. I saw you volunteer for that little girl last year. That was also really brave.
K: Prim is my sister.
A: Oh *sorrowful* I'm sorry.
K: Ya well........*notices fishhook* that's beautiful.
A: Oh this? Thank you.
K: If you could teach me how to make that, I could teach you how to hunt.
A: Thanks for the offer, but I already know how to hunt. *whispers* dumbass.
K: Oh right. Well we could practice together, if you want?
A: *sighs and smiles* Sure.

We walked over to the simulator and we put our settings on. I grabbed a belt of throwing knives and Katniss grabbed a bow and arrows. We walked in and a bunch of orange lights moved together and made pixel people. They came at us with all kinds of weapons. One came at Katniss with a spear, which she dodged and shot an arrow into its head. One came at me with an axe and threw it. I thought of Alistair. I couldn't kill it, even if it was a pixelated hologram. I moved and let it fly by me, Katniss shot an arrow in its back and it disappeared. Another one came at me with a sword. I let it get close to me and throw its sword from the top. I kneeled down and slid in between it's legs. I sliced my knife through its legs and it exploded into a million pixels. I saw one at the top and it threw a pixelated knife at me, which I dodged. I grabbed a throwing knife from my belt and flung it up to the orange pixel. The knife hit it right in the heart and it exploded. Katniss did a flip on the ground and shot an arrow at one. I saw one coming from behind to attack Katniss. I shot a knife through its head. The last pixel was with a trident. Katniss shot an arrow at it and the lights died down. The training was over and we kicked ass! We gave each other a high five. We heard clapping coming from the outside. It was Wiress. Everyone was watching us. I walked out of the simulator room and into Finnick's arms.
F: Wow. You're doing better at getting allies than me. I'm impressed. *laughs*
A: *playfully shoves* Oh is someone jealous?
F: Shut up. *laughs*

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