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We all walked for a bit more and then decided to crash for the night.
F: Its gonna get dark soon. Let's rest here for the night. I'll do first watch.
K: *laughs* No way.
A: *rolls eyes and groans*
F: *annoyed, to Katniss* Honey, that thing I did back there for Peeta, that was called saving his life. If I wanted to kill any of you, I would have done it already.
Finnick walked away from Katniss, pissed. Katniss looked at Finnick, pissed, as he walked away. Then Katniss looked at me and I just raised an eyebrow and gave a you deserved it, bitch look and walked over to Finnick. I could feel her looking at us as Finnick and I argued if I could kill her or not. Soon enough Peeta and I were asleep and Finnick and Katniss were keeping watch. We all woke up when the fallen tributes were shown. I hated watching these, so I just fell back to sleep. A few minutes later I was woken again by Finnick yelling at me to get my ass over to a tree. I was confused at first, but then I saw why. A sponsor had given us a spile and water was coming from the tree! I ran over to the tree and immediately felt relief once the liquid landed on my tongue. I swallowed the refreshing water and then washed my face and hands with it. I was so tired, so I just went back to sleep after that.

I woke up to a sound of a gong, it banged 12 times. What did it mean? 12 o clock, 12 districts. Seconds later, lightning hit a very weird looking tree. I had no idea what was going on, so I just went back to sleep. Minutes later, I was woken up again, but it was by Finnick. He told me to scoot over and I did as he said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, while I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. It's weird, whenever I kiss him, it felt like nothing else existed, nothing else mattered, but us, like we were the only people in the world. We pressed our foreheads together and looked into each others eyes.
F: I'm madly in love with you Annie Cresta. Nothing will tear us apart. Not the games, not the capitol, not Snow, not even death.
A: I am truly and deeply in love with you Finnick Odair. Forever.
F: And always.
A: Now get some sleep. You haven't had any for 2 days straight.
F: Yes ma'am. *laughs*

It was still dark when I was woken up by Katniss screaming Run! The fog is poison! Finnick jumped up and grabbed me before I could even interpret what Katniss had said. We were running for our lives. The fog was fast and could kill us at any moment. Finnick made sure that I was in front of him the entire time to make sure that if anything bad happened, it happened to him and not me. I hated it, but I couldn't exactly argue with him at the time. As we were running, Finnick and I accidentally split up from Katniss and Peeta. The fog was coming at us from all different directions. I ran to far right and the next thing I knew, I'm on the ground screaming in pain from the disgusting pustules that covered my right leg. I couldn't get up, I couldn't move fast enough. Finnick picked me up and threw me onto his back and kept running. We were really falling behind and the fog was only centimeters away from us. The fog caught up to us and Finnick got covered in it. He had pustules all over his neck, back, and hands. He dropped me as he fell to the ground screaming. I thought about sacrificing myself, so that they could go on, but Finnick could've never won with the grief and guilt he would feel for my death. He pleaded me to get onto his back, so I did and he continued running. I saw Katniss and Peeta fall on the ground and so we stopped where they were to see what had happened. Peeta was covered in the pustules and he couldn't move.
K: I can't carry him.
I knew what that meant. Finnick was the strongest one and the only one who could carry Peeta. That meant he couldn't carry me.
A: Just go without me.
F: What?!
A: I can barely walk Finnick! I'm just holding you guys back! Leave me here!
F: No Annie! I could never!
A: You're going to have to Finnick because we're all gonna die if you stay with me.
K: I could carry her or help her. That way you can carry Peeta and we all survive.
F: Yes. Annie go!
A: Fin-
F: Annie! Now!
K: Here, hold onto my shoulder.
A: Ok. *puts arm around Katniss' shoulder*
F: Come on Peeta. *picks up Peeta*
We started running again. I've never seen Finnick like that. He was harsh and cold. Why was Katniss doing this for me? I thought we hated each other. We were struggling. The fog was catching up with us. It reached us and burnt our backs. We fell down a hill and were paralyzed with pain. The fog didn't stop. It came down the hill, but hit some sort of forcefield and it disappeared. I was flinching with pain. I couldn't move. I heard Finnick next to me. He was hurting so badly. I wanted to help, so badly, but I couldn't move. I laid there helpless as Katniss struggled to move to a pond. She screamed in pain when she dipped her hand in the water, but it quickly turned into sighs of relief.
K: The water...the water helps.
Peeta shuffled over to the pond and dived in. So did Katniss. They screamed in pain, but just like before, instant relief. After that, Katniss grabbed Finnick and Peeta grabbed me. They dipped us in the water and the pain was unbearable. I was screaming like crazy and so was Finnick.
A: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! P...Peeta please stop!!! *digs finger nails into Peeta's arms* Make it stop! Make it stop!! Make it stop!!!
P: Shhhhhhh. Shhhhhhh. It's ok. It's ok.
Then the relief happened and the pain stopped. I could move my leg again. I felt a million times better than before.

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