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It's been about three weeks since the planning and everything was almost done. Only two more weeks until I got to marry the love of my life. I finally got the courage to tell Katniss. She was a lot better now and her neck was pretty much healed. I walked into her room and I saw Prim brushing her hair.
A: Hey guys.
K: *smiles* Hi Annie.
A: Prim, can me and your sister have a little chat?
P: Ya, of course. *walks out*
A: *sits down*
K: What's up?
A: *shows ring*
K: Annie? What is this?
A: An engagement ring.
K: Holy shit Annie! *grabs Annie's hands* That's amazing!
A: Thank you Katniss, you're the only who knows besides Effie and the prep team.
K: Wow, this is just so amazing, how far you two have come, not even death can stop your love. I really admire you Annie.
A: *smiles* Thank you Katniss. *hugs*
K: So, when's the wedding?
A: About two weeks.
K: I can't wait, one thing though.
A: Mhm?
K: Can I see the wedding dress?
A: Of course! *gets up* let's go.
K: Where? *gets up*
A: To see my wedding dress, of course.

We went to me and Finnick's room, luckily, he wasn't there. I opened my closet and found the dress in plastic. I took the plastic off carefully and went into the bathroom. I got out and twirled to show Katniss. She shrieked from excitement and gave me a huge hug.
K: Annie, you look absolutely beautiful!
A: Thank you Katniss.

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