The games(pt 1)

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The pic up there be the games uniform.
I woke up today after about 30 minutes of sleep. I was exhausted, I had gotten no sleep and the sleep I did get was filled with nightmares. I went into the dining room and remembered the kiss me and Finnick shared last night. I blushed as I saw him sitting on the couch with a cup of water. He turned around and smiled.
F: Hey. Go back to sleep. Everyone else is sleeping.
A: No I can't. Too many nightmares.
F: I get it. *scoots over* Well at least try to relax. Sit down?
A: Sure. *sits next to him*
I felt my heart beat fasten as he moved closer to me. He put his arm around me and smiled. Then I remembered the games. What if I didn't come back? I couldn't hurt him like that.
A: *scoots away* Finnick. I can't.
F: Why not? *sad*
A: I'm going into those games. I don't want to hurt you if I don't come back and you're probably just using me anyway.
F: Annie. I would never use you. You said yourself that I wasn't what the capitol pinned me to be. Please just give me a chance to prove that.
A: Finnick. What if I die in that arena? I don't want to hurt you.
F: I don't care Annie. I really like you and I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't.
A: *blushes*
Al: *comes in* Hey guys. Can't sleep either?
A: Ya I got like not sleep at all.
Al: Same. So are you ready for the games?
A: *stiffens* as ready as I'll ever be. *sighs*
F: *rubs Annie's back*
A: *blushes*
Al: Oh I get it. Something's going on here. *kissy noises*
A: *throws pillow* Shut up!
F: *laughs*

I was in my uniform and on my way to the hovercraft now. I was walking with Mags and Alistair was walking with Finnick. We talked about skills and what to do when I first get into the arena. She told me not to go to the cornucopia and to find water as soon as possible. Food was crucial as well, but water was my main focus. We reached the hovercraft and said our final goodbyes.

M: *pats Annie's cheek*
A: Mags, thank you so much for everything. I couldn't have done it without you. *hugs*
M: *smiles and signals thank you*
A: You're very special Mags, you're amazing and I couldn't ask for a better mentor. Thank you.
M: *laughs and smiles*

The peacekeeper said it was time to go, so I started to walk away. I looked back and Mags gave me a big thumbs up. I walked on the hovercraft and was greeted with a peacekeeper shoving a huge ass needle inside my arm. It hurt really bad, but I just shook it off and tried to look tough. Apparently it was my tracker, so they knew where I was in the arena.

Once I got off of the hovercraft, I was shoved into a small empty room. Jared was there and smiled once he saw me. He had died his hair a very bright red and was wearing a fancy buttoned up black dress shirt with fancy white pants. He looked casual, for the capitol. He smiled weakly at me and gave me a huge hug.
J: You can do this. Go home to your family.
A: Thank you Jared. Those outfits were beautiful. You're very talented.
J: *playfully* Oh stop.
Person: 20 seconds to launch.
A: *hugs* Bye.
J: *hugs and let's go* Good luck.

I walked into the tube and looked at Jared through the glass. He gave me a sorrowful look. I wanted to jump out and run away from it all. The games, the Capitol, President Snow, but I couldn't, the tube started to rise.

The brightness hit me and I knew I was in the arena. It seemed to be a forest of some kind. The cornucopia was filled with weapons. I saw rope and a lot of knives. I looked a little closer and found an axe. I wish I could just go up there and grab it, but if I move off my platform, I'll blow up. I looked around to try and find Alistair, but I couldn't. I started to panic. What if I can't find him? What if he goes to the cornucopia? I need to find him. I looked harder, but couldn't find him. Instead I saw a career looking at me like a meal.

10...Oh my gosh, it's starting.

9...Ok ok you can do this Annie.

8...Do it for Cliff.

7...Do it for Eve.

6...Do it for your parents.

5...Halfway there.

4...Why am I here?

3...Snow, President Snow, he's the cause of this. I hate him.

2...Get ready Annie.

1...Lets do this.

I ran to a backpack and grabbed it. I looked around and tried to find Alistair. I saw a career run towards me, so I sprinted up and ran for my life, into the forest, without Alistair.

I kept falling and getting tired as I ran. Note to game makers, never put a district 4 person into a forest. Before I knew it, it was night. I found a log and covered it with some leaves. I was hidden, but not that much. I sat down and checked my backpack. There was an empty water bottle, rope, a knife, and some crackers. I was starving, so I decided to eat some crackers, but that only made things worse. I wasn't hungry, but my mouth was dry and I was thirsty. I sat on the log for a bit and then I fell asleep.

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