Finn Odair

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Finnick's POV
I woke up in a hospital bed. All I remember is being in the sewers, getting my legs ripped apart, and going to some tiger lady's house. Everything after that was a blur, until now. I saw Annie sitting in a chair a few feet away from me.
F: *whispers* Annie!
A: *wakes up* Finnick! *runs to the bed and gives him a hug* Thank god you're ok.
F: How long have I been out?
A: A couple days.
I sighed and moved my hand to her waist, but to my surprise, I felt a bump. I looked at her belly, was she pregnant?
F: Annie?
A: Ya?
F: What is that? *points to her belly*
A: *smiles* Our baby.
I was overwhelmed with joy. I smiled so big, I thought my lips would rip.
F: Annie! We're having a baby!
She started to tear up from happiness as she gave me another huge hug. We were having a baby, we were going to live happily ever after.
Annie's POV
It's been a few months and me and Finnick were cuddling in bed. His legs had healed, he had to go through a lot of physical therapy, but he got there and now he's all better. Katniss was back at the Capitol, Prim had died. Finnick was rubbing my huge baby bump and giving me tons of little kisses on the head. I suddenly felt a huge pain in my belly. I got up and tried to walk but it hurt even more. Finnick got super worried and decided to carry me, which I'm still shocked that he can do since I weigh a lot more now. He brought me over to the doctors and they told me I was in labor. I got dressed in one of the hospital outfits and they told me that I had no time to waste, the baby was coming now! I had pushed and pushed for minutes on end, pain everywhere in my body. I had started to give up.
F: Come on, Annie!
I pushed one more time, super hard and finally, our baby was born. It was a boy, with hair and eyes just like his father's.

Finn Odair is his name.

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