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I woke with a strong arm around me. I turned to see Finnick as he woke up. He opened his eyes and caressed my cheek.
F: Morning.
A: You feeling any more normal?
F: *sighs* I'll be ok, as long as you are.
A: Ya, I'm ok.
F: I'm sorry you had to witness all of that, with Mags and everything.
A: It took a while, but I'll be ok.
F: *smiles* I love you.
A: I love you too.

We walked out and Effie immediately walked up to us.
E: Hello! I'm so excited to be planning this wedding!
A: *to Finnick* You told her?
F: I wanted this wedding to be special and as soon as possible.
E: The soonest we can get it all done is in about 5-6 weeks!
A: Wow, that's really soon!
E: Alright, let's go into my room and we can discuss details!

Us three shuffled into her room as she locked it and pulled out a journal.
E: I keep all of my projects in here, new page, Finnick and Annie's wedding!
F&A: *smiles*
E: Alright, so first order of business, wedding dress, Finnick, your outfit is already made.
F: *nods*
E: We had this design made *hands Annie a sketch of her wedding dress* if it's what you want.
A: It's absolutely perfect, I love it.
F: You'd look beautiful in it, you'd look beautiful in anything.
A: *blushes*
E: Ah, true love!

I know, short chapter, compared to others, but I'm planning things ahead, so be prepared!!!!! Love y'all!

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