Chapter 1- The Man in A Hood

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The rain keeps me up again.

It seems like since we defeated the witherstorm it doesn't want to stop raining at night.

What I should have said is since Reuben died.

He used to wake me up in huge storms like this, scared to death by the thunder.

Reuben would snuggle into my side and keep me up all night.

I guess I'm just too used to him waking me up that I haven't slept since he died.

No one really notices it, so I normally just sit here, in the dark, alone.

I'm in the main room of our new treehouse that the new order shares together.

We even convinced Petra not to live in a cave anymore.

"Jesse?" A groggy voice asks from behind me.

I turn around, seeing Petra with bags under her eyes.

"Hey Petra." I say, seeing her walk over and sit beside me in the makeshift chairs.

She looks a bit pissed that she is awake, but that melts away immediately.

"What's wrong Jesse? And if you do that thing where you deny anything is wrong I will introduce you to the most pissed off person in the world." She threatens, making me sigh.

"I miss him." I say, looking out the window at the rain going down the glass.

I see odd white light outside, but I ignore it, not wanting to worry about something that isn't worth worrying about.

She rests her hand on my shoulder, and it makes my stomach twist and turn, and I stand up, feeling my head spin with whispers.

"I'm going for a walk." I say, throwing her the amulet.

"If I'm not back by morning come find me." I say, dropping down the ladder.

My feet hit the soggy ground and I walk out into the farther part of the forest.

I sit near the river, more down stream than the clearing near the treehouse.

I sit in the darkness, watching as the sun slowly starts to turn the dark sky a pinky color as it prepares to rise.

"Jesse? Is that you?" Lukas asks, walking over to me.

I shake my head, not realizing what I'm about to say.

"No its not me." I mutter, making him come over to me.

He laughs sitting down.

"Jesse, I have great news for you, but its surprise, will you meet me in the clearing tomorrow?" He asks, smiling over at me.

I'm not really in the mood for a long argument of making me do something, so I not, making him get up, looking excited.

"I'll see you then! You won't regret it Jesse!" He shouts, running off towards where ever he is going.

I look up into the sky, letting the rain wash over my face.

"Why did you have to leave Rueben?!" I shout angrily into the sky, feeling tears stream down my face.

He's not just a pet. He's my friend.

Reuben isn't food you jerk.

Run! I'll distract them!

I'm sorry I didn't find you Reuben.

You doing OK?

Hey buddy.

Can I hear a joke?



You're a hero Reuben. You know that?

I'm here. I'm right here boy.

I cry at all the memories.

"Couldn't you have stayed?" I whisper into the darkness.

Footsteps sound behind me, and I whip around, my armor on so I pull out my sword.

The bluish purple armor that Ivor gave me hasn't broke, and I'm starting to think it never will.

"Silly little girl. You think that crying up to the heavens is going to bring back your silly little pig?" A man asks, his brown cloak covering his face.

Two white eyes shine through the fabric, making me shocked, and frozen to the ground.

"You won't need to cry about him much longer, you'll see him soon anyway." He whispers, pulling out a staff with what looks like a purple diamond.

Before I can say anything, he slams the ground, making all the layers including bedrock around my feet fall like gravel, and I scream, holding onto the edge of the hole for dear life.

He looks down at me, a huge smirk on his menacing face.

Then, a large iron sword is pulled from his back, and he looks down at me.

"Enjoy your flight." He whispers before striking my hands, making me scream louder than the thunder, falling down, into the void.


Hey guys. I hope you liked this chapter! For those who read the version I got from my old account, I will be changing a few things to make it a bit different this time. I hope you enjoy it.


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