Chapter 13- A White Glow

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My dreams are filled with the white eyes again and they send shivers down my spine.

This time, the eyes aren't just eyes, they are more than that, they are a full body.

"Jesse. You finally believe enough to see the truth." He growls, voice sounding very..... Odd.

It was almost as if five people were talking at once, through one person's voice.

"Who are you? Why do you keep showing up everywhere I go?" I fire my question, making him laugh hysterically.

I take steps backwards as he comes closer to me, making me nervous.

"Do not be afraid. You have much to learn before you should." He says, the voice becoming a bit agitated, and almost impatient.

I nod slightly, wanting to figure out exactly what is going on.

"My name is Herobrine. I have gone through these lands many times, searching for someone brave enough to do the things you have done." He explains, making me even more weirded out.

"Then why not ask someone else? I can't be the only one." I defend, not wanting anything to do with this guy.

He laughs, making my head spin with terror at the noise.

"Silly girl. You are the only one. Everyone else I have tested to do this failed. You are the only one that has passed all my tests." He says, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I stare up at him, unsure of weather to slap him away or thank him.

"You are the only one who can become my apprentice, and carry on my legacy." He says, leading me to a ocean I didn't know was there.

The stars reflect in the dark pond, its a beautiful sigh, then I see our reflections.

His eyes cast a shine onto the surface of the water, while my emerald ones slowly fade to white and do the same.

The power that comes from this fills ever muscle, every part of my body, making me feel like I can do anything.

"Jesse, I will come for you tomorrow night. Say goodbye to your friends." He says, making it sound more like and order than a request.

I frown, looking away from the water.

"I'm not leaving my friends." I say stubbornly.

He comes close to me, his eyes staring into mine with such a force it feels like an enderman's stare.

"That wasn't a question." He growls as the dream fades away.

I wake up in the clearing, laying on Petra's lap, who is staring up at the stars.

"You know, I thought you would sleep longer, considering you haven't slept since we got back from the other universe." She says, surprising me.

She looks down at me, eyes filled with worry.

"What are you talking about?" I deny, looking up at her.

She shakes her head.

"You're not a good liar Jesse." She mutters.

I sigh, looking up at the night sky.

I don't want to say goodbye.

"Petra, what do you know about a man with glowing white eyes named Herobrine?" I asked, making her look down at me, worry on her face.

She looks up to the stars, a far away look in her eyes.

"Herobrine was the brother of Notch. The evil brother. While Notch made the world better, he made it odd, and unwelcoming." She starts, making me look to the stars.

The words she says seem to play out in the small glowing dots.

"Notch made the animals, and even other humans, while Herobrine made lava, the mobs, and anything harmful in the world. Slowly, they both disappeared, we all assumed they had died. Then, people came running from places, swearing they heard whispers and saw the glowing eyes of the evil brother." She continues, making my heart stop.

"Soon it became a legend, a story told to children to make them behave, stuff like that. Many people think the story is fake, and Herobrine slipped away to he nightmares of little kids." She says, making me look away from the stars.

I close my eyes, seeing the glow of his in my mind.

"Why do you ask?" She yawns, making me turn on my side.

"No reason." I lie, knowing that I can't tell her.

At least, not yet.


Hey guys. I hope you liked this chapter! More to come!


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