Chapter 9- Teleporting

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Petra's POV

We stand at the hole, the ground still has the russet stain on it.

"Okay. Lukas, we are trusting to take care of everything while we are gone." Olivia says to him for about the fifth time.

I feel like Axle and Olivia thin we are going to die, but I try to stay optimistic.

"Come on. We need to head over now." I say, holding out the amulet.

They take hold, looking so nervous.

"OK, now, we all need to hold onto this." I say, pulling out the chest plate Jesse got from Magnus.

They rake hold, and for a minuet, we stand there with nothing happening.

"So, is it going to do anything or...." Axle trails off as suddenly we appear at Soren's fortress, surrounded by endermen.

We cover our eyes as I put the two items back into my pockets.

That's when I see it.

Jesse runs through the haunting, looking st all of them, making them chance her into the beam.

"Jesse! Help!" I hear my voice shout.

I realize that I didn't say that, and that we are hidden from the behind blocks.

My head peeks out and I see me, floating up into the air.

Jesse runs forward, grabbing onto her foot and digging her heels into the ground.

"Don't worry! I won't let you go!" She shouts up to me.... Her.... Whatever.

The beam is distracted and they fall to the ground.

The other me hugs Jesse tightly, looking like she is about to cry.

"I thought I was going to die." She whispers.

Jesse pats her on the back, hugging her back.

The simple action makes my heart burn.


I'm jealous of myself.

I walk froward slowly, keeping my eyes down.

Olivia and Axle follow me, looking shocked at the sight of our thought dead friend.

She looks up at me, and her jaw drops.

"Petra!" She shout, jumping up and hugging me tightly.

I freeze, unsure of what to do.

I hug her back, feeling my cheeks heat up.

She pulls away, and takes a few steps back.

Olivia walks up to her, teary eyed.

She hugs her tightly.

"We thought you were dead." She says, crying into Jesse's black hair.

She hugs her back, closing her eyes.

"I'm here now. Its all going to be okay." She comforts, and I walk over to the copy of me.

She looks confused.

"Hey, you look like me." She states.

Her pale eyes indicate that she has no memory, then I remember what is going on.

"Jesse! We need to get you up to the witherstorm!" Axle shouts, making us all nod.

Jesse shakes her head.

"We have to wait. It is not my job to destroy it here." She says, almost on que as a ground of people runs in.

"Whoa." The second Olivia says while the two Axles mirror each other.

Reuben runs up to Jesse, making her smile.

She picks him up, walking over to the other me.

"I need you to do something for me." She says, making her nod.

Jesse sounds a lot different, almost wiser, its weird.

"I need you to hold onto Reuben, and you can't let him go. No matter what ok?" She says, walking over to the guy wearing the same armor as her.

He pulls out a diamond pick.

"Okay. We need to build something to get us up there." She says to him, making us all stare at them.

"You're coming with me?" He asks, making her smile.

"Let's face it. We need to do this together." She says, looking back at all of us.

Everyone looks to her, making me confused.

I knew she was a great leader, but I never expected so many people who she has just met to follow her blindly.

"Let's build a rocket minecart." The guy says beside her.

Jesse nods.

"Alright. Let's get building." She says, giving me a small smile.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I will try to update soon!


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