Chapter 11- Going Home

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It feels almost like you're flying, but downwards.

I've fallen from this high before, but last time I saw water below me.

This time I see rock.

Jesse is beside me, but I can tell that he will land in water.

I look down at the ground, as everything seems to go in slow motion and I slowly see Jesse yelling something to me, but I can't hear it at all.

I close my eyes, thinking about all I've done through my life, and I smile, knowing that I've done some great things, and hope that its enough.

But my heart doesn't think that's enough.

I look down and cover my eyes, a scream escapes my lips as time speeds up.

My ears pick up the sound of someone landing in water, and I feel tears running down my cheeks as I realize that it wasn't me.

Then, I feel a weird squshy feeling under my feet and I bounce upwards, uncovering my eyes to see myself bouncing on a slimeblock.

Finally I stop bouncing and I step off the block, stumbling forward onto my hands, breathing hard.

No one stands around the area, so I look around, confused at how exactly they got there.

My heart continues to race, so I lie down, trying to catch my breath.

"Jesse! Jesse! Where are you?!" Axle shouts.

I can't answer, my heart beating too fast.

Suddenly, Petra runs up to me, looking terrified.

"Jesse." She breathes, holding my hand.

I look up at her, and I can tell that it is my Petra.

"Petra. I'm okay." I breathe, trying to get up.

She helps me up, supporting me by slinging my arm around her shoulders.

She puts her arm around my waist, taking most of my weight, basically carrying me.

We walk over to the group, seeing them all searching around the area.

"Guys! I remember everything!" The Petra from here shouts as she joins the group.

I smile, glad that its all over.

"There she is!" Olivia shouts, pointing over at Petra and I.

She over to them.

"Oh thank notch your okay." Jesse says, looking relieved.

I sit down, feeling tiered.

Reuben is alive, which makes me proud that I went up there.

"Are you okay?" The other Petra asks, kneeling down beside me.

I simply nod, feeling tired.

My eyes close and I fall asleep.

One week later

We are in the crowd of the cerimony of this worlds new order, but we are all at the back to no one can see us.

Jesse is talking, but I bearly hear it, my mind wandering to the forest just outside of the town.

"Jesse? You okay?" Petra asks me for about the tenth time today.

I nod, not exactly sure why she is so worried.

My eyes, no matter how hard I try to focus on Jesse, go back to the forest.

Every time I see nothing.

Then I see two white tiny eyes peeking out from the shadows and I do a double take a ns they are gone again.

You're just tired Jesse. Its probably your mind playing tricks on you.

I brush it off but by the time I do, Jesse has placed the neather star on the giant stand and the rainbow beacon shoots colors of light into the air.

I cheer lightly along with everyone else, feeling drained.

Once the people all started to leave to start building onto this town, we walk over to the new order.

Lukas stands with them, but only to say goodbye to us.

We walk up.

"We have to go back to our universe." I say, my voice sounds like it might crack and break like glass, and everyone can hear it.

Jesse nods, smiling at me.

"If you ever need to come back." He says, handing me a price of ripped cloth.

I nod my thanks to him, putting it in my pocket.

We hug each other while the others stand back awkwardly.

The Petra comes up to me from this universe, looking sad.

"You better come visit us." She says, crossing her arms and saying this in a little kid way.

I chuckle, giving her a hug.

"I promise." I whisper.

Olivia and Axle say goodbye at the exact same time, and we laugh at the odd timing.

Lukas stares at his feet, his blush unbearable.

I walk up to him and kiss him lightly on the cheek, as a final goodbye.

"Alright, we better get going." Petra says, sounding slightly pissed off.

That's when Reuben runs up to me.

I rub his head.

"Bye Reuben. Be good for them yeah?" I say, making him oink in such a cute way.

I laugh, getting off my knees and following my friends.

We get to the clearing and Petra pulls out the amulet and a price of fabric, an Ocelot logo.

"Everyone hold onto each item." Petra says.

We all place our hands on the amulet and the logo, and just as we are about to flash out of the universe, it almost feels like someone grabs hold of my foot, but then we are in the treehouse, with nothing at my feet.


"You're alive!" Lukas shouts, tackling me with a giant hug.

I land on the floor as he hugs me tightly.

"N-need a-air." I cough out, making him let me go.

He laughs awkwardly, and Petra looks even more annoyed than before.

Why is she acting so weird?

Oh well. I'm home, and nothing is going to ruin that.


Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. No, this is not the end! There is so much more to come! I'll try to post again today.


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