Chapter 12- The Eyes Of a Killer

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My dreams are haunted by the eyes I kept seeing everywhere.

They shine in a completely dark area, and it is the only light source.

Every time I dream it scares me, because every time I look at those eyes....

I see a killer looking back at me.

But that isn't the worst dream.

The worst one is when I look into a pond, and my eyes are his.

I never sleep long enough to see how the dreams end, and I have to say, I'm glad I never did.

It was a bit easier to not have Reuben around after my visit with the other universe.

The cloth Jesse gave me sits in a hidden chest, that only the new order knows where it is.

I walk into the main room of the house, seeing that no one is awake.

So I sit down by the large window, the one that Petra decided to put all her plants.

For some reason she had actually found and Accadia tree sappling.

The rain washes down the window once again blocking the view of the moon.

"Can't sleep?" Lukas asks, sitting down against the wall across from me.

I nod, staring out the window.

He moves to directly next to me and I feel a bit uncomfortable.

"What are you doing Lukas?" I ask, moving over slightly to give myself some space.

His cheeks are as red as Redstone.

"I, look Jesse. Since you came back, well, before that, I've been wanting to tell you something really important." He says, giving me a nervous, lopsided smile.

The way he is talking, the way he is acting, I'm not sure to tell him to stop or to slap him back to sanity.

"I like you Jesse. Like, a lot." He spits out, closing his eyes.

I feel really bad considering I don't feel the same.

My voice doesn't work, and I'm not sure exactly what to tell him.

"Lukas, I'm sorry. Its really sweet and all, but I don't like you like that." I say, hoping that it got my point across.

He looks down, then looks up, a hopeful smile on his face.

"Give me a chance. One date. If you still don't like me then, we can go back to being friends." He purposes.

Little did I know that Petra was listening in on this conversation.

Petra's POV

I feel jealousy spark back up inside me, anger filling me as Lukas hits on Jesse.

Petra. Calm down. Whoever she likes, just let her be happy.

She look awkward at the date option.

"Lukas. I don't want to go out with you, or anyone right now. I need to take care of a few things before I can worry about a love life." She says, looking back out the window.

Lukas spins her around, kissing her full on the lips.

I feel like my heart broke, but at the same time I didn't see her kiss back.

It still hurt.

"Get off me!" She whisper shouts, getting up and storming to the trapdoor.

"There is a reason I don't want to date you Lukas. That is one of them." She hisses, jumping down the ladder.

I can see him face palm, almost like he regretted what he just did.

I walk out, crossing my arms angrily.

"Lukas, you really need to learn to control yourself sometimes." I scold, making him stand up angrily.

"What do you care Petra!? Its not like you guys are suddenly so close!" He shouts, obviously waking up the rest of the order.

They come out of their rooms, looking like they are ready for a fight.

"What's going on?" Axle asks, seeing the angry Lukas.

He storms towards the door.

"Ask Petra." He growls before leaving.

I stare after him, still pretty mad.

"Petra?" Olivia asks, making me turn to her.

I sigh.

"Lukas basically put his heart out to Jesse, she told him the truth, and he didn't accept it." I explain, walking down the ladder.

Olivia stops me.

"Where are you going?" She asks, making me pull my arm from her grip.

"I'm going to find Jesse." I say before dropping down.

I run through the forest, feeling my anger rise up inside me.

Why did Lukas have to kiss her? You can't just do that.

I finally see her by the river, near the hole she fell in when she disappeared.

"Jesse." I breathe, making her turn to me.

She wipes away a tear I didn't realize was there.

"Are you okay?" I ask, sitting next to her.

She just shakes her head, looking like she might break down.

"I finally get back home and Lukas has to throw this at me. I can't take that right now." She says, resting her head on my shoulder.

I place my arm around her, almost automatically.

I'm glad its dark, it hides my cheeks turning red.

She cuddles into my side.

"Petra, thanks for being here, I really just need someone like you right now." She mutters, looking half asleep, almost like she doesn't know what she is saying.

I don't reply as she falls asleep.

Her cute smile as she sleeps makes me smile lightly, watching her go into a deep sleep.

I look up to the sky, and something seems to hit me like a ton of bricks as I look back down at her sleeping form.

I gulp, realizing what exactly is happening.

Oh god.


Hey guys. I hope you all liked this chapter! As you can probably figure out Petra didn't know she liked Jesse until now. Ha ha, so much dramticness. I'll try to update soon!


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