Chapter 15- Arguements and Confessions

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Olivia's POV

We all stare after Jesse, shocked and teary eyed.

"We just got her back." Petra says, her knees up to her chest with her head buried into her knees.

The position looks odd on Petra, considering she never would cry in front of us like this unless she couldn't control it.

"Petra....." I trail, unable to comfort her because my own emotions take hold of me.

I find myself crying into Axle's shirt as he comforts me, obviously trying to be strong for us.

"I didn't tell her. I never got a chance to." Petra babbles on and on.

I have no clue what she means, but right now I don't intend on finding out.

Axle hugs me tightly, and I silently thank him for just being here.

Then, to ruin the quiet, comes Lukas.

"What's going on?" He asks, looking concerned.

I feel Axle tense up as he releases me, and I look over at Lukas, pretty pissed.

"You wanna know what's wrong?" He asks, sounding like he might blow him sky high.

Lukas and him continue to quarell, but I walk over to Petra, who is still sobbing into her knees.

I kneel there, tears in my eyes, not exactly sure what to say to her.

"Petra.... I'm not sure what to say to make you feel better." I mutter, making her look up.

Her face surprises me, and my mouth drops.

Her cheeks are completly stained with tears, and her eyes are bloodshot.

"You can say that this is all just some sick joke." She mumbles, putting her head back down, ignoring everyone and everything around her.

I sit down across from her, and I put my head in my hands.

"Why did you have to do that man!?" I hear Axle shout at Lukas through my tears.

Lukas grumbles.

"I just wanted to see if I could change her mind! Just tell me what the heck is going on Axle!" He shouts back, making Petra stand up.

She walks over to Lukas and pushes him down, making him look up at her in fear.

"Jesse is gone! This time I'm not sure if we will ever get her back, and you two, her friends, have the nerve to argue!?" She shouts at them, making them shrink back in shame.

She stands there for a second, almost like she didn't realize what she said until after she said it.

"You know what, you guys argue all you want. I'm going home." She states, walking off sadly.

I run toward her but stop as she continues to walk.

"I'll come with you!" I shout, making her turn and shake her head.

"I'm not going to the treehouse." She growls back, going in the opposite direction of the place we all learned to call home.

Lukas and Axle continue to argue with each other, but I follow behind Petra, wanting to clear some things up, now.

She walks for what seemed to be forever, until she reached a cave.

By now the sun is setting, casting bright colors to the ground.

Petra jumps down, and I follow.

She walks for a while before reaching a small wooden hut.

A mineing hut.

Petra said she had tons of these through cave systems, all having an enderchest in them.

She walk into one and closes the door.

I quietly look through the glass, seeing her look at photographs on the wall.

A lot of them are of her with other people, but a group of them makes me smile.

There is one of Lukas, me, Axle, Jesse, and even Reuben.

Oddly enough a lot of picture of Jesse.

"Why do you have to keep leaving?" She asks, staring at a picture in her hands.

I guess that its one of Jesse.

She puts it back on the wall, and I see that its a picture of Jesse staring up at the starry night sky.

I can't control it anymore, knocking on the door.

She opens it immediately, narrowing her eyes.

"What is it Olivia?" She asks, walking back inside.

I close the door.

"Petra, we will all miss Jesse, but she isn't dead, she is still somewhere." I try my best to convince her, but all hope seems to be drained from her body.

She shakes her head.

"We don't know that. The guy who took her is Herobine Olivia. Herobrine. He hasn't ever taken any one in any story that came back. Let alone lived." She snaps, tears still in her eyes.

I walk over to her, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Petra, its okay. We'll fix this, like we always do." I say, making her sigh.

She turns to me, looking a bit more like the old Petra.

"Olivia, every once and a while you need to realize that sometimes, you can't fix things. I've read too much about Herobrine to know that whatever he does, cannot be 'fixed.'" She says, putting air quotations over the word fixed.

I frown, feeling myself get a little mad at her.

"Petra, I don't know what exactly is wrong with you, but you need to get over it and help us find her!" I shout, making her anger boil to the surface.

She grabs me by the shoulders.

"I loved her Olivia! She left once, and I couldn't accept it. Now she is gone again, and I finally feel helpless, like I can't do anything! You know how much that bothers me!?" She shouts at me, turning away as soon as she finishes.

My mind spins, not really knowing what I just heard.

"Y-you love her?" I stutter, making Petra sob into her hands.

She simply nods, and I'm not sure how to react.

"Well. Then you will help us get her back." I conclude, making her turn.

We stare at each other before I silently nod my approval to her, and she lightly smiles at me, nodding back.

For the first time, I think I might know Petra a bit better than anyone else.


Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapter! What did you think of the little yelling fest??? Or the confession??? I hope to post again soon!


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