Chapter 20- They're Back

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Jesse's POV (Guy Jesse)

I sit in the treehouse we built just outside a small town, quietly crafting some stuff for Olivia.

Petra sits at the table, reading a book, I'm not sure exactly what one.

Axle is in his room, probably crafting more fireworks for the village parties that people keep ordering.

Olivia is drawing blueprints for a new Redstone device while Lukas keeps handing me items.

"So, do you think this machine will work?" Petra calls from reading her book, obviously still very distracted by it.

Olivia smiles brightly.

"If I'm correct then yes, this machine will allow us to get to any universe we want, we just need something from that specific universe." She says, nodding to me.

I pull out the extra bandana of the other universes Petra.

"Which, luckily, we have right here." I say, putting it back in my pocket.

Before much else can happen, five people land on the ground, huffing with fear.

"Ugh, I'll never get used to that." The Axle from the other universe mutters.

The Lukas from the other universe looks a bit insane, along with the strange boy they brought with them.

Petra pushes herself to her feet, looking shaken up by something.

Out Petra walks up, looking worried.

"Where's Jesse?" She asks, making Olivia look look at her in pity.

"She, um, isn't coming this time." She mutters, making the other Petra look a even more depressed, if that was possible.

I brush off the weird comment.

"Well, not that it isn't great to see you guys and all, but why are you here?" My Olivia asks pointedly.

Axle looks awkward, and Olivia tries to think.

Petra huffs, coming over to me.

Its obvious that she hasn't been sleeping, and something is bugging her deep inside.

"We need your help in our dimension. Jesse is in trouble, and we can't do this without you guys." She says, making her point then walking back to her friends.

I open my mouth to say something, but then Olivia drops a burning hot amulet.

"Ow!" She yelps, dropping the other universe amulet.

The lights connect and create a hologram of Jesse.

She looks at all of us in one place, but all of us just stare at her eyes.

"There is no time for you to be staring! You guys need to get back here and stop me and Herobrine before its too late." She says, making everyone confused.

"You, and him?" Both Petra's ask, making them stare at each other.

She grumbles something to herself.

"Listen, promise me something, can you guys do that?" She asks, looking a bit desperate.

We all nod, making her smile lightly.

"No matter what happens, no matter what it comes to, finish this battle." She says, making us all mad.

"How can you make us promise that?!" Petra wails, making her sigh.

She shakes her head.

"Because that's what needs to be done. Now promise me, whatever you have to do to stop us, you'll do it." She says, staring at us with her glowing eyes.

We all nod, while Petra looks a bit pissed.

A crash sounds and she turns around.

"Crap. I have to go. Please, keep your promise." She says before the lights go out.

Petra picks it up, ties it around her neck.

"Let's go." She mutters, holding out the amulet.

We all take hold of it, except my Lukas, who hands me his ocelot jacket.

I nod to him, making him nod back.

We flash out of our universe, and suddenly, are outside the farlands.

"Wait, how did we get back?" My Olivia asks.

The other Axle holds up what looks like a price of torn overalls.

We all have a ohhhhh..... Face before we turn to the huge glitch wall.

"Wow. So that's what it looks like." Petra breaths, reminding me that she didn't get a chance to come.

Lukas starts to ramble on.

"This isn't how its supposed to go. There are one too many. One too many. They're going to change the destiny. Change the story. The Gift is supposed to do it on her own and you're changing it!" He freaks out, holding me by my shirt.

I look down at him in terror, not liking this look on him.

Olivia prys him off, and Axle holds onto him.

"Lukas, calm down man." Axle says, making everyone gather around.

"Right, we can't go in there unprepared. We need weapons, and we need food." Petra mutters, still looking depressed.

We all nod.

"I have a lot of iron." Both Axle's offer.

The Olivia's seem to be deciding on scavging for food, so I stay with Lukas, and the boy while the pair of Axle's and Petra's make swords.

"So, who are you?" I ask the boy.

He looks over at me.

"I'm Nolen. They rescued me from that base." He answers, making me nod.

Everything about this seems wrong, but tomorrow we go in, and we fight.

I can't help but feel like the promise Jesse made us make is going to come back and bite us in the ass.

But right now, I can only think about a shelter as the sun starts to set.

I get up, grabbing dirt and building a dirty hut around us.

Once I sit against the wall, I feel myself drifting off, and as I fall asleep, I hear everyone coming inside.

Finally, sleep overtakes me.


Hey guys. Sorry about the less eventful chapter. Next one will be, hopefully, a lot better. I'll try to update soon!


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