Chapyer 23- The End

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Petra's POV

We run towards the huge explosion.

"We need to make sure that Jesse is okay!" I shout back at them.

I'm running the fastest of all of us, mainly because I need to know she is oaky.

I can't deal with her being dead.......


I reach the large pit that goes all the way down to the bedrock.

It almost looks like a meteor hit the place.

My feet carry me down block by block, and I can't hear people following me down.

The hole is so big that I can see anything at the bottom.

I hope I just have my eyes playing tricks on me right now.

Finally o reach the bottom.

Two bodies lay motionless on the ground.

Nither of their eyes glow, and they don't breathe.

I run over to Jesse, sliding on my knees so that I am looking down at her.

I lift her head onto my knees, holding her hands in hope.

A poof sounds behind me, and Herobrine is gone, leaving behind all the things he had in his inventory.

"Jesse. You did it. He's gone. You can wake up now." I say, feeling the tears start to well up in my eyes.

She doesn't move, and I feel them trickle down my face as I close my eyes.

Some drip down, falling onto her face, but I don't care, I just wish she was here.

My sobs are the only sound despite the soft pitterpatter of rain that slowly starts to fall.

I look away from the unmoving body.

"You and Reuben, I see why you got along so well. You both were always meant to be heroes." I cry, not wanting to look at her unmoving body any longer.

I wait, tensing myself for the poofing sound, but it doesn't come, and I feel like the world is torturing me with the waiting.

"Why are you crying?" A scratchy voice asks, making we trun back in surprise.

Jesse stares up at me, her eyes completely normal.

I feel more tears fall from my eyes as I lift her up, hugging her tightly.

She hugs me back.

"I thought you were dead." I whisper, letting my face nuzzle into her black hair.

She sighs, obviously in a bit of pain.

"Come on. That sounds very unlikely." She jokes, making me laugh lightly.

We pull apart.

She has cuts all over her, and many bruises to match.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." I say, standing up.

I hold out my hand to her, and she looks up at me, taking it.

She stumbles at standing, almost falling back down, but I catch her.

She puts her arm around my shoulders and I support her around her waist.

Slowly we climb up the hole, trying to get to the top.

When we get close I can hear voices, and I'm pretty sure the exhausted Jesse can hear them too.

"Petra has been down there a long time. Do you think everything is okay?" Olivia asks.

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