Chapter 16- You'll Never Be The Same

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We appear in a very large stone fort, outside is the farlands, making me nervous.

"Why are we here?" I ask as he leads me through the large corridor.

He chuckles.

"This is my base, my home. You will know it well in time. But for now only go anywhere with me, or you will get lost." He warns, almost sounding like a caring father.


Three hallways split here, and he goes down the one on the right, going downwards.

I follow close behind, not wanting to get lost.

When we are reaching the bottom of the dimly lit hall, I can hear insane sounding voices whispering, making my head hurt.

The cages along the walls are all filled with people, all of them different in some way.

They all whisper the same thing, over and over again.

"Remember. Remember. Remember." They repeat over and over again.

I don't quite understand, but we reach the end of the hall, where an empty cell is.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask, seeing him smirk.

He shoves me roughly into the space, locking the door.

"I'm not ready for you yet my dear. I will come get you when the time is right." He says before disappearing.

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but there is a chest with some food and a bed.

"I wouldn't eat the food if I were you." A quiet voice says, making me turn.

There is a boy in the cage beside me, he looks just a little younger than me.

"Why not? Food is food." I say, staring at the boy.

He shakes his head.

"It makes you crazy, like everyone else here. I found it out the hard way." He says, shivering at the memory.

I feel bad for this boy, he looks thin, and his face is covered in scars.

"I'm Jesse. Who are you?" I ask, shaking his hand through the bars.

"Nolen." He replies, looking fed up with the chanting of 'Remember'.

I stare out at the other people who hold their heads, chanting the word.

"Do you know why they are doing that?" I ask, making him frown.

"Jesse, you just got here. I don't want to freak you out." He mutter, turning away from me.

I narrow my eyes.

"Tell me Nolen." I say forcefully.

He grumbles something to himself before turning back around.

"Once he takes you up to that the machine, it changes you. The only way to be yourself in some way, is to remember. Remember everything you did in your life, your name, your friends, anything that defines who you are." He says, looking serious.

I feel like all this is coming st me too fast.

"What do you mean by in some way?" I ask, making him look down.

"No matter what you are in his control, but when he isn't controling you, you can be what you were before he put you in that machine." He says, making me feel like this place is too weird.

I gulp, looking around at everyone in the cells.

"Remember. Remember. Remember." They continue to chant.

I feel tears come to my eyes.

"Just remember. Because if you don't, you'll never be yourself. But either way, you'll never be the same." He whispers, making me cry silently, for me and everyone in this place.

"Don't worry for them child." The strange voice of Herobrine says, making me look up to meet face to face with his glowing white eyes.

I feel my throughout tighten, and he laughs.

"Come it is time." He says, unlocking the cage.

My legs lift me up, and I find myself unwillingly following him up the hallway.

This time we go through the one on the left, which goes up.

The tunnel isn't as long as the other one, and this one reaches a large room, with a large pyrmid in the middle.

It looks almost like the wool world that Soren made in the End, just this room had actual trees, grass, plants, streams.

He brings me to the base of the pyramid, where an iron door stands.

As if it wasn't locked, he pulls it open simply, making me gape.

We walk inside, and there it is, the large machine that Nolen was talking about.

Around it is a shallow moat, filled with blood.

I gulp, not liking the looks of this.

"If, uh, this doesn't work, what happens to them?" I ask, making him smirk evily.

"Don't worry about them. They only know how it feels to be alone now. No one down there will ever be the way they were." He laughs, pushing me into the two block high area.

Pistons close in front of me, trapping me inside.

"Hey! Let me go!" I shout, shaking the Redstone device.

He shakes his head, cutting his hand and letting the blood pool slightly.

His hands reach through the gaps, one with a sword.

He reopens the cuts on my hands, making me scream in pain.

My hand is suddenly touched by his, the one that he cut, and his blood mixes with mine, giving my veins an odd feeling.

Then he does the same to the other hand, my pain causing tears to fall from my cheeks.

Herobrine walks over to a lever, and flips it on, causing pain to course through my entire body.

Lightning and thunder crash outside, but it cannot hide the sound of my screams, the loudest thing that has ever been heard.

Third Person

The scream of Jesse could be heard everywhere, from one edge of the farlands to the other.

In every universe.

In every cave.

In the end.

In the neather.

Petra stares up at the sky, her face with pure shock, and tears threatening to drip from her eyes.

Olivia and Axle sit in the treehouse, looking terrified.

Lukas sits by the river, covering his ears at the sound.

In the other universe, they all do the same, but are utterly confused as the sound wails on through the night.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I will try to update soon! See you guys soon.


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