Chapter 21- Fight Or Flight

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I feel the presence of my friends, and I know that they are coming.

"So, what have we learned today Jesse?" Herobrine asks, circling me in the air like a vulture.

I think back, feeling something else in control.

"That you show no mercy." My voice says, making me frown.

Everything I've said with these lessons goes against everything I've ever known.

Listen to your heart.

I used to do that, now I can bearly hear it.

Everything is built up inside me, and I can hardly think for myself anymore.

I jest want for once someone else to save the day.

To save me so I can thank them for saving my life.

But then again, if my friends fail, and i can bearly think for myself, how can anyone else save us?

"Your friends will not come for you. You do know that don't you?" He says, an evil smirk on his face.

I frown, because some part of my thinks he's right.

Please, let me go back to normal.

Just as I'm thinking this, the doors explode with TNT, letting letting nine people, and Reuben, roll in with iron swords, battle ready.

"Herobrine! This is your end!" Jesse shouts, making something inside me leap with joy.

All I can do is smile.

Herobrine simply laughs, the sound seems to bother all of them.

"You really think you ten can defeat me?" He asks, flying right up to Nolen.

"You don't even know this boy." He growls, going to Lukas.

"He's insane." He points out, but Lukas looks like he didn't even hear it.

He flies up to the OlIvia's, smirking at them.

"You two can build, not fight. How is that going to help you here? In a battle?" He taunts, making them both look a little helpless.

I try to scream for him to stop, but my voice is taken away when he shoots a glare at me.

My spirits down and my voice gone, I find myself tourchered at watching him insult all my friends.

He takes one look at Jesse.

"If you had made a sword instead of a picaxe, you might have had a chance, nice work." He growls, making Jesse fume slightly.

The two Axle's stand there, taller than him in size, but they still look scared to death.

"You two are screw ups, how do you expect to do anything if you two mess it up?" He taunts.

Both Axle's look both mad, and hurt.

He walks over to the Petra from the other universe.

Its odd that he doesn't talk to them at once like the others.

"You, you look tough, but on the inside you're just as scared and helpless as the rest of them." He hisses, making her look down, angry and hurt.

Reuben is next.

"You brought a pig? To defeat me, you brought a pig?" He laughs at the idea.

Reuben looks scared out of his mind and runs over to Jesse.

Lastly, Petra stands tall, and a little sad looking as they stare each other down.

"You still think that there is a chance? No matter what, she will always be evil, and it is out of the question." He growls.

For some reason, this simple sentence seems to hurt her more than an insult, and I can't figure out why.

He walks up to me, and moves the strand of hair that fell in my face.

"And you thought they could defeat me? Look at them! They are a bunch of little nobodies!" He shouts at me, making me close my eyes.

Ignore him. Ignore him.

He touches my arm, and suddenly its like the entire room is filled with whispers.

Then I realize that they are thoughts.

I cover my ears, and fall to my knees as my head spins.

"Make. It. St-top." I stutter through the pain.

He laughs.

"No my dear. You need to learn your new power and master it." He says, walking down to the others.

I can see my Petra staring at me as they bunch into a tight group.

Suddenly she disappears, making worry go through me.

The others stand their gaurd in front of Herobrine, trying to look intimidating.

I continue to hold my head, pain rushing through me.

"Jesse. Come on. I'm going to get you out of here." Petra whispers from beside me.

Her thoughts are loud beside me, but I can't make them out.

I feel like all my fight is gone.

I can't keep remembering like this 24/7.

Fight or flight.

I have to choose.

Right now it doesn't feel like I have a choice, it feels like its just happening, and I can't control it.

My mind tells me to fly.

My heart tells me to fight.

Too bad my mind is taking over, making me drift away, and nothing seems to be in my control.

Finish this for me.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. So there are about two more chapters before this story is over. I'm going to miss it. But I will try to update soon! See you guys later.


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