Chapter 3- Another World

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My eyes open and I see the blue sky, and I'm flying through it.

Past clouds and close to the rising sun.

Scratch that.

I'm falling.

I look down and see the ground, bracing myself for the pain.

"I don't want to die!" I scream, but the wind blowing upwards snuffs out my screams.

I land on the ground, bits of dirt flying up around me.

The damage hits me hard and I lay on the ground, letting my hearts go up again.

My heart beats fast, and I take deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.

Finally I get up, feeling like I can breathe again finally.

My armor is still in tact, and I thank the lord it is.

This armor is some of my most prized possessions.

Along with my sword and some other things.

My head spins with confusion as I see the entrance to the town that our treehouse is just outside of.

My feet move forward and I enter, seeing that everything is just the way I last saw it.

This makes no sense.

How do you fall into the void only to end up right back in the world again?

Then something catches my eye, its people running away.

The sun is blocked out, and that's when I see it, the wither storm.

"This can't be possible!" I shout as people from the town run past me.

I defeated it!

We all saw it die!

"What the hell is going on!" I ask someone, running in toe with them.

The man has two young kids following him.

"The order has failed to destroy the wither storm!" He shouts, continuing to run.

The girl trips and falls, landing right beside a tractor beam.

"Not this one." I growl, running over to the girl, rolling her out of the way just in time.

She is young enough that I can carry her, so I pick her up, running as fast as I can.

"Thankyou!" She shouts in her cute young voice.

I place her on my shoulders, letting her hold around my neck as I run.

"I'll keep you safe." I say to her, seeing her father up ahead.

The tractor beam is right behind me, and I find myself feeling weak and tiered as I finally catch up to the man.

He sees the girl with me and looks relieved.

"Thakyou. Could you help us find a safe place?" He begs, and I nod, too out of breath.

We run, and a lot of people follow us, me in the lead.

That's when I see it, up ahead.

One of the other two witherstorms.

"Crap!" I shout, sliding as I turn to the other direction.

We continue to run, my breathing shallow.

"Do you know of any heather portal close to us?" I ask the man, making him shake his head.

A girl comes from in the group, her face battered.

"I know of one." She says.

The way she talks reminds me of Petra, and I can only hope that she is okay.

I nod to her, letting her take the lead.

We run, and that's when I see it, confused and running towards us is Petra, her eyes showing signs of having no memory.

As we run past she joins us, catching up to me.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" She asks desperately.

I sigh, pointing forward.

"I'll explain once we are safe." I say, holding onto the girl on my shoulders with one hand while taking Petra's with the other.

We run, and run, until I see seven people.

Six of them are familiar, while one looks completely different.

The different one wears similar armor to Ellegard, but I ignore it as we run towards them.

"Come on!" Shout to them.

My friends, its my friends.

They take one look at Petra and follow, the people of our group looking angry at the sight of the remaining members of the order.

"Who are you?" Petra asks as we run, the portal in sight.

"I told you that I will explain it all as soon as we get through that portal!" I shout, hearing all three wither storms on our tails.

I hand the little girl to the man, letting everyone get though before me, even the order.

Finally I jump through, finally realizing that Magnus is standing there.

He's alive!

Then I realize, that Ellegard isn't here.

The boy in the armor I realize is wearing hers, and then it becomes clear.

"Oh god. Ellegard is dead." I say aloud as I destroy a block of the portal.

The whole group shouts after I do so.

"Now we can't get back!" Someone wails, making me scoff.

"Believe me, once its safe no one will want to go back there." I say, sounding sarcastic.

The group sits down on the neatherrack, looking exhausted.

Petra comes over to me, looking confused and scared.

"Can you explain now?" She asks, looking like she needs to know.

I nod.

"That thing is called the wither storm. Those people over there just tried to destroy it with the Formidi bomb, but it failed." I start, making my friends, the order, and the strange boy stare at me.

"Now there are three of them. You lost your memory after being trapped inside that thing too long, and now your here, in the neather, or hell." I explain, making her look overwhelmed.

"Whoa. That's a lot to take in." She says, holding her head as she sits down in the corner closest to me.

Then, the boy comes over to me, looking like he was just in the tractor beam of that thing.

"Who are you?" He asks, making me look at him.

"Who are you?" I ask, making his eyebrows narrow.

"Jesse." He says, making me cross my arms.

I frown at him.

"That's my name." I say, arching one of my eye brows.

We just stare at each other, not really knowing what to do.


Hey guys! So the wither storm is back! Ahhhh! OK lol. I hope you liked this chapter and all I changed with it. See you soon.


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