Chapter 15- Never Alone

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Jesse's POV

We stopped to rest after getting across the river, all of us tiered after everything that just happened.

My cheek still hurts from the slap Petra gave me before, but I'm glad she quite literally slapped some sense into me.

Olivia is fast asleep against Axle's shoulder, who rests his head on hers, both out for the count.

Jess just stares at the fire we made, almost like he wants to see something there.

Petra is sitting next to me, looking like she needs to sleep, but can't.

"Why did you want to do it alone?" Jess asks, making both of us look over.

I sigh, shaking my head.

"Because, its too dangerous for all of us to go. Besides, the mark means that I have to do it alone." I mutter, making Petra look at me with a death glare.

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