Chapter 10- The Witherstorm

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I watch as Jesse gives the memoryless Petra her armor.

Petra comes up to me, looking concerned.

"You don't have to go up there." She says, sounding worried.

I smile lightly, looking up at the gaping hole in the witherstorm.

"Petra, I need to. When I was up there with only Reuben, there was no way we could have both made it. But if I go with Jesse, we could both make it back and Reuben would live." I explain to her, making her cross her arms stubbornly.

I leave her with that, going over to the rocket minecart that is set up.

The memoryless Petra holds onto Reuben tightly, not letting him go as I walk over.

"As soon as we are inside that wotherstorm you can put him down, but do not let him go before then." I order.

She looks down at the pig then looks back up at me.

"Jesse, what happens if you don't destroy it?" She whispers, hoping no one will hear.

I kneel down next to her, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I promise you that we will finish this." I say, making her eyes light up with a spark of hope.

I just hope that I can actually make it through this time.

Jesse and I climb the track, sitting down in the minecart.

"Go!" I shout, making him hit the TNT.

We fly forward, in the air.

Reuben is safe on the ground and I sigh with relief.

"What do we do when we get inside!?" He shouts as the TNT explodes, sending us flying through the air and towards the witherstorm.

I look up, seeing the gap above my head.

"We destroy that command block." I growl.

I jump out of the minecart, landing on the withered blocks.

Jesse follows me, landing a few blocks away.

"Whoa." He says breathlessly, looking around at everything.

Withered citizens line the walls, making me shiver.

"God, I was really hoping that I never had to see this place again." I whisper as we walk toward the large cave opening.

"I never thought it would look like this." He whispers, jumping at the sight of a withered chicken.

I can't help but feel like I'm being watched, almost like someone is in the shadows, waiting to strike.

I swear I keep seeing those white glowing eyes that belonged to the hooded man.

"Let's go. We need to destroy that thing." I say, pulling out my sword.

The bite marks from Reuben catch my eye as Jesse pulls out his enchanted pickaxe.

"Nice choice." We say to each other as we walk to the clearing.

We get about halfway when the hallway like thing flips on its side, sending us flying sideways.

"Ow." I mutter, getting back up.

I hold my hand out for Jesse to take and he does, making me pull him to his feet.

We run into the cave, trying not to get caught in another flip.

The cammandblock looks the same as the last time I saw it.

Glowing slightly and surrounded by tentacles.

"Okay, no matter what happens we need to destroy that block." I say as we hold our hands and shake them in agreement.

He nods, walking up the weird structure.

We both swing, hitting it twice, making the block only need one hit to destroy it.

I turns, stopping at the roof.

"Go. Finish it. You deserve it." I say, defending us from the tentacles.

He jumps from ledge to ledge, making it to the head that doesn't really look like a head.

It starts to wake up and he jumps back, landing on the last ledge.

"I'll distract them! Get to the commandblock!" I shout to him.

He nods to me.

I run at the tractor beam, seeing him get to the top and jump, grabbing hold of a tentacle.


One of them hits him, knocking his pickaxe out of his hand and into the hole below.

I take one look at my sword and run into a tractor beam.

"Bet you can't catch me!" I shout, making it lift me into the air.

I smash the crystal, holding on, hearing it snap its mount near my feet.

My legs swing around, making it easier to pull up onto the head.

The tentacles are close so I jump, landing on the one next to Jesse.

I hold my sword out to him.

"Finish it Jesse." I order.

He takes the sword, but he stares at the teeth marks.

"You dropped your sword didn't you. And, Reuben, he died trying to get it back go you." He says, seeming to figure it all out.

I nod, feeling the guilt come back.

"If I hadn't dropped it, he would be alive." I murmur, making him sigh.

He takes one look at the block.

"For our friends!" He shouts, hitting it with the final blow.

The tentacles drop, making us slip and fall through the large hole.


Sorry about the cliff. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to update soon!


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