Chapter 2- Gone

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Petra's POV

I can't help but stay awake as thunder lights up the sky, hoping that Jesse comes home soon.

The thunder covers all noise, everything is silent.

Another bang, more flashes of light.

I hold the amulet, looking down at the glowing crystals.

The dark blue one in the middle ended up being Jesse, the light blue me, red was Olivia, green Axle, and the white one was Lukas, even though he isn't in the order.

The white and the dark blue are pale, while the others shine brightly.

Then, another grumble of thunder drowns something out that I thought I heard, but shrug it off, tagging it as my imagination.

I sit, staring at the amulet, then, another thunder bolt hits the ground, sending sparks flying onto the grass.

Then, an ear splitting scream fills the silence, and Jesse's light goes out completely.

"Guys! Wake up!" I scream, hoping what I think I saw isn't true.

Olivia and Axle run into the room, and I'm already jumping down the ladder, them right behind me.

I run towards the direction of the scream, and Lukas falls into step beside me.

"Petra, what's going on?!" He shouts as the rain pours down on our heads.

I don't answer, not feeling like saying anything until I find Jesse and see her safe.

Then, I skid to a halt, almost falling off the edge and into a gaping hole.

I take a few steps back, and then, right where I was standing has a russet pool, making me hold the amulet to it.

The dark blue light shines at the blood, then turns off, making me fall back.

"Petra?" Lukas asks as they all crowding around me.

I feel like my entire body is being ripped apart, and my heart breaks in two.

"Its Jesse. She's dead." I whisper, making everyone stare at the hole in shock.

From the corner of my eye I see half a broken iron sword.

I crawl over, not sure if I will be able to stand.

My hand trembles as I see the russet stains on it, and I realize, that this wasn't an accident.

I feel tears creeping up on my eyes, and I try to hold them in, not liking when I cry, mainly because I feel weak, and hate when other people see it.

Then, almost like someone filled my heart with TNT and put down a Redstone torch.

I look into the sky and scream, unable to contain it.

Olivia's POV

We are at the funeral for Jesse, which is placed right beside Ruben's grave.

"Jesse was a hero, from the very beginning. You could just tell because of the way she used to talk, and even act." Axle says, nodding to me to speak.

The entire town showed up, and so many other people too.

Gabriel and Ivor were here, but strangely enough, Soren and Ellegard were not.

Then again, no one has seen them since we became to new order.

Soren hasn't been seen since he ran off.

"Jesse was our friend since the beginning, and she will be missed." I say, looking at Lukas.

He shakes his head, looking too upset.

Then Petra steps forward, eyes red from crying.

I haven't ever seen her like this, no one has.

"Jesse wasn't just a friend, or a hero. She was the one person who was going to do what no one else would. That is what made her who she was. And what she will be remembered for." Petra said, causing some people to tear up.

"If it weren't for Jesse, none of us would be standing here right now." She finishes, stepping back to lean against the wooden column.

Her cheeks are covered in tears as Lukas finishes the ceremony.

They way Petra is acting, its almost as if something more was there.

She has cried the most out of all of us, even Lukas, who we all know had a gigantic crush on her.

I am going to find out what is causing this, but right now, all I want to do, is say goodbye to my best friend properly.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! More to come soon!



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