Chapter 14- Goodbye?

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Do I really have to say goodbye?

I don't want to.

I don't need to.

That's it.

I'll just go.

No matter what I do I know I cannot stop him from taking me with him.

So, I'll just leave.

Not tell anyone.

Not even Petra.

I walk out of my room, feeling a bit energized, yet sluggish, from the sleep I actually had last night.

Olivia and Axle stand outside, looking concerned.

"Jesse, what happened last night exactly?" Axle asks.

We all know Axle and Lukas are okay now, but sometimes he was just waiting for a chance to be mad at him.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." I say, brushing them off.

Olivia turns me around and I can see Petra staring in from her room, nodding, as if telling me to tell them the truth.

"Fine. Lukas woke up and saw me awake. He came and he started talking to me." I start, making them surprised I actually told them.

"Then next thing I know he is confessing his feelings for me and trying to ask me out. I said no, because, well, I don't know. I guess I just don't like Lukas that way." I say, shrugging.

Axle steps forward, looking a little like he might want to blow someone's head up.

"Did anything else happen? You wouldn't run off for no reason Jesse." He says pointedly.

I nod, and Petra smiles lightly and returns to her room.

"He also kinda kissed me without warning, even though I made it clear I didn't want to go out with him." I confess, feeling terrible for telling Axle this.

Lukas may have been a bit forceful, but I wouldn't wish Axle's rage on my worst enemy.

He crosses his arms and seems to be thinking over a plan of how to destroy him.


Petra walks out of her room, looking as if she is pretending she was asleep the entire time.

"Morning guys." She yawns.

I can feel something pulling me, almost like an invisible force.

"Come Jesse. Its time." His odd voice says.

It sounds like he is in the room, but no one else hears it.

"Now?" I say into the air, making everyone turn to me and give me a weird look.

"Who are you talking to Jesse?" Petra asks, holding my shoulders so she can look me dead in the eye.

"Yes now. Come outside an we will leave." He growls.

I nod, walking away from Petra and going down the ladder.

When I'm about five blocks away from the treehouse, Petra tackles me to the ground, holding me down.

"Jesse I don't know whats wrong with you right now but you have to stop and try to explain!" She shouts, holding my arms down.

She looks a bit flustered at being this close to me, but I brush it off.

A white light shines from the direction my head is faceing, and I look back, seeing him step forward.

"I need to go with him." I whisper, feeling her weight fall off me.

She rolled sideways, staring at me in pure and utter shock.

I walk forward, but before taking his hand, I look back.

"Goodbye." I say, feeling a sharp pain at the faces.of my friends.

Lukas isn't there, and I fee like even with the argument, I will still miss him.

I take Herobrine's hand, hearing Petra get off the floor.

"Jesse?" She asks, looking like she might break down.

The white light is too hard to resist, and I find myself not in control as he leads me forward, my home and my friends fading away behind me.


Sorry about the shortness! I hope you guys liked the chapter! And I will try to update soon!


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