Chapter 8- Back to The Fortress

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I wake up, seeing Petra changing my bandages as Jesse looks over her shoulder.

"How did that happen?" He asks, looking scared.

My hands sting slightly as Petra pulls out a potion of healing and spills some on the cuts.

"I was hit by a sword. I could have sworn I told you." I mutter, trying my best not to wince at the pain.

Normally a potion of healing would fix stuff like this easily, but this time it seems as if they will never heal.

He needs, leaving it alone to wake up everyone else.

"Petra, you know that at one point your going to have to trust everyone else here right?" I ask her making her sigh.

"I know that, but you saved my life, and I feel like you can be trusted, so I listen to my gut." She says, making me laugh.

I push myself off the ground as everyone else wakes up.

"Let's go." Ivor says, looking to the rest of us as if to say Who's going first.

Jesse and I sigh at the same time.

"I'll go don't worry about it." He says, walking through the purple portal with Reuben beside him.

Olivia and Axle follow close behind, followed by Soren.

Before Petra and I can walk through, Ivor stops us.

"You realize that all this could be over if you would just go into that Witherstorm." He growls, walking through the portal.

I look down.

"Hey. Don't listen to that jerk. You went through enough just destroying your own." She says, patting me on the shoulder.

I smile back lightly at her, leading her through the portal and into the swap.

"Oh crap." I whisper, seeing the witherstorm.

I look over, seeing that Jesse has the amulet.

"Jesse! Throw me the amulet!" I shout to him, making him throw it to me immediately.

"The endermen can slow down the witherstorm. I'll lead it to the fortress, you guys make the super weapon and meet me there." I say, making all of them except Ivor confused.

He steps forward.

"I programmed it to follow the amulet." He confesses, making everyone look at me.

"Are you sure you can do it alone?" Axle asks, making Petra stand next to me.

She holds it with me.

"She won't be." She says, a brave look on her face.

I stare at her in shock.

"Its the least I can do for you Jesse." She admits like I have been around for her forever.

We nod at each other.

"Its settled then. We will see you all at Soren's fortress." I say, putting the amulet in my pocket.

They nod, heading into the swamp.

"Come on. We need to get to that fortress before it gets to the farlands." I say, running back the way we came.

We pass the portal, Petra staying in toe with me the whole time.

The witherstorm seems to be waiting for us as we pass under it, running back towards Soren's fortress.

I hear the furious growls as we run.

"Jesse? We need to move fast, right?" She asks, making me nod.

That's when I see it.


Just our luck.

"Here!" I shout, throwing her a saddle.

"Get it on a horse and catch up to me!" I shout, running past them and towards the direction of the fortress.

I can see the beams at my feet as the sound of hooves is beside me.

I crap hold of Petra's hand as she runs by, swinging up in front of her and taking the reigns, causing the horse to go faster than before.

Petra holds onto me tightly as the horse charges through the forest, me expertly dodging the trunks of the trees, trying to slow it down.

"Jesse, can I ask why exactly we want to bring these things to the endermen?" She asks, shouting over the noise of trees being ripped from the ground.

I begin to explain.

"Endermen move blocks, the wither storms are made of blocks. If we can get them angry at the witherstorm, they will slowly take blocks from it, slowly destroying it." I say, making her nod.

We travel for about the whole day before finally finding the fortress.

"This trip would have taken much longer on foot." I say, jumping off the horse and walking up the steps of the huge building.

Petra is right beside me, looking scared as we see the haunting of Endermen as I call it.

"Hey, just don't look at them from the legs up, and you will be fine." I say, leading her towards the group.

She holds onto my shoulders, covering her eyes in my hair.

I cover my eyes with my one hand and use the other to hold my sword.

Just in case.

"The witherstorm is coming close Jesse" she whispers in my ear, making me nod.

I look to the side, swing some of the endermen being picked up by the massive creatures in the sky.

"Run." I say, grabbing her hand and running inside the broken down fortress, seeing every endermen teleporting here.

I throw the amulet into the middle of the fortress, hoping that they all go there.

"Okay, we need to get them to chase us into the tractor beams Petra. Do you think you can help me do that?" I ask, holding her shoulders.

I look directly into her eyes, seeing them filled with fear and despair.

"I think so." She says, almost whispering.

I nod to her, turning to the haunting.

"Okay. Let's do this." I growls, running at them at full speed.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will try to update again tonight. See you soon!


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