Chapter 18- The Horribile Truth

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Petra's POV

My head explodes in pain as I feel myself waking up.

It almost feels like I've been asleep forever, like some fairtale princess.

Let's just pretend I didn't just compare myself to a princess.

I let my eyes flutter open, my head hurting even more at the sudden light source, making me close my eyes.

"Petra! You're okay!" Olvia's voice says happily.

Other voices chant something around me, but it's really hard to make out with my head hurting this much.

I open my eyes again to see Olivia right in front of me.

Axle sits against the wall, and Lukas is in the corner of the strange barred room, looking like he hasn't slept in days.

My arms feel weird as I push myself into a sitting position, making my entire body scream in protest.

"What happened? Wait... Where are we?" I ask, feeling confused at the fact that we are sitting in a hallway filled with cages, filled with half dead looking people.

We are in the very last cage at the end of the hall.

Axle looks away, staring off into space.

"I'm not too sure how to answer either of those questions." She mutters, looking helpless.

The damp, dimly lit hallway echoes with the voices of the many people in the room.

"Don't bother trying to escape. She will come for us. I know it." They boy in the cage beside us mutters, rocking slowly back and forth.

I walk over to the bars, staring through at him.

"Who's coming?" I ask, making him look over at me.

His face brightens.

"The chosen one. She will come. I told her to remember. She told me she would. She promised she would." He says, sounding insane at this point.

Axle is going through a chest pulling out food.

"Don't eat the food. It drives you insane." He warns, making Axle put down the carrot he was holding.

He goes back to rocking back and forth, looking completely and utterly terrified.

"Who are you?" Olivia asks, making him look over.

"Nolen. But I'm not even sure if that's my name anymore." He mutters, looking completely terrified.

I look away from him, then I realize something.

"Guys, Jesse isn't in any of these cages." I point out, making them all look around.

They all look worried as footsteps echo around the damp hall.

"Someone's coming." I whisper, all of us pressing up against the back wall.

I feel a slight bit of blood dripping down from my head, and slowly over my right eye.

I gulp, feeling the pain.

Then, the hallway entrance glows with the same white light that Jesse disappeared into.

I close my eyes, not wanting to see the man again.

"Guys? What are you doing here?" Jesse's voice asks, but it sounds almost like five different Jesse's are speaking at once.

I look up, opening one eye to see her face.

My face drops, my mouth hanging open at what I see.

Her eyes are almost normal, but they glow brightly white, with the emerald parts very pale, almost invisible.

Olivia looks like she might faint while Axle just stares.

Lukas narrows his eyes at her.

"What do you mean?" Axle asks, crossing his arms.

She huffs slightly.

"I told you guys to get out of that treehouse. Why didn't you listen to me?" She asks, putting her hand on her forehead in frustration.

I can't speak, her glowing eyes seem to render me unable to speak, and my head pounds, making me look down and hold my head.

"Petra. Hold on. Let me fix that." She says, snapping her fingers.

My pain goes away and the blood disappears.

I look up at her, seeing her smile lightly.

The smile she gives me makes me feel a little awkward, and I look away.

"Look guys. I will get you out of here, but I have to go be-" she cuts off her sentence, and suddenly the pale emerald color disappears completely from her eyes.

Then, then man flashes beside her.

"My dear, what are you doing down here? You should be up there, causing chaos." He growls at her.

She nods, looking like she could be a zombie as she wanders away.

As she walks past every cage the skinny, half dead people start to call to her.

"The chosen one! She is here!" They shout in amazement.

She doesn't even stop to look at them, or to look back at us.

"What have you done to her!" I scream, hitting my hands against the bars, making them jump.

Herobrine walks close so that our eyes lock.

We stare each other down, and I can feel him going through my thoughts.

He chuckles.

"She isn't your Jesse anymore. She is far from it. And she, will never love yoy." He whispers the last part, pushing me back down onto the ground.

I feel tears welling up in my eyes as he smirks, walking back down the hall.

"Have fun going insane!" He shouts to us.

The rest of them start to ask questions, but my mind is completely shut down.

I stumble into the corner and sit there, putting my head in my hands.

Please let this all be a sick, sick dream.


Hey guys! I hope you all liked the chapter! Tell me what you think, I will try to update soon!


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