Chapter 19- Escaping

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Olivia's POV

We have been in this cell for a day or so now, and I'm starving.

Lukas got so hungry he ended up eating one of the pork chops, he is still in the crazy mood right now, chanting the word remember over and over again, almost as if he couldn't remember anything.

Axle slept most of the time, and Petra hasn't spoken since the day Herobrine controlled Jesse right in front of us.

I can't help but wonder what exactly he said to her to make her this upset.

Me on the other hand, I haven't slept or eaten in the day we have been here.

Everything in this place taunts me every time I look around.

The keys so close yet so far away from my reach.

Axle wakes up, looking over at Petra with worry.

He gets up and walks over to me.

"I wonder what he said. I've never seen Petra like this, ever. Even when Jesse seemed dead, she still talked." He whispers so that she won't hear.

I frown, looking at her depressed heap in the corner.

"I have no clue. I just hope that she snaps out of it soon, and becomes the leader we need her to be so we can get Jesse back." I mutter, making him nod.

Lukas looks up, his eyes far away.

"The chosen one. She is coming. She will save us all." He mutters as he rocks back and forth.

Axle frowns at him.

"You know, I'm still pretty pissed about what he did to Jesse, but I hate to see him like that." He mutters, showing that he actually cares about Lukas.

I nod, knowing exactly how he feels.

Before I can say anything else, the keys fall off the wall, landing right by our cage.

"Guys." I whisper, pointing to the key ring on the floor.

Petra looks up momentarily, looking hopeful, but she doesn't say a word.

Lukas looks up, obviously a part of him knowing that those keys are very important.

"Her powers are all around here. Its her. She has come to free us." He mutters, hugging his knees close to his chest.

To me, that sounds like great news as I reach through the bars, stretching to grab the keys.

But by the terrified look in Lukas' eyes, I realize that for some reason, this isn't good.

I grab the keys as Axle picks up Lukas, putting him on one of his shoulders as I unlock the door awkwardly.

We walk out, and I look back to see Petra still sitting down.

I hand the keys to Axle.

"Let everyone out." I say, walking back over to Petra.

My knees are on the floor in front of her, now face to face.

"Petra, come on, we need to leave." I say gently, making her look up.

Tears are in her eyes.

"What if Jesse comes, and she sees none of us are here?" She uses the lame excuse.

I cross my arms.

"I think your just afraid to leave." I say, crossing my arms and standing up.

The fire that used to be in her eyes returns at the accusation.

"I'm not afraid." She declairs, getting up and walking out of the cage.

I smile to myself, going after the others.

Axle is now carrying Nolen on his other shoulder.

The other prisoners stay put, not getting up.

"Come on! This is your chance to leave!" I say to them, they all look up at me.

"Silly Olive Tree. This isn't how this is supposed to go. You doing this will only make things worse." Lukas says.

Did he just call me olive tree?

"How do you know this?" I ask, feeling the lightheadedness from not eating.

He shrugs and goes back to hanging onto Axle.

"Rock had the right idea of staying." He mutters, obviously meaning Petra.

Why is he not using our real names?

"Lukas? Do you know who we are?" Axle asks him, making him nod.

"Of course. She is Olive Tree. That's Rock. You're Father Of Peace. And the chosen one is called Gift, because she is the gift to the world." He says confidently.

Even Nolen, who is pretty out of his mind himself stares at him in confusion.

I shake my head.

"Let's just get out if here." I mutter, leading the group towards the beginning of the hall.

We run up, until we reach the main room.

"Come on. The door is right there." I whisper, running forward.

I'm surprised nothing has stopped us, and in my thoughts I secretly hope that I didn't just jinx it.

We get outside to see the farlands, and Lukas gapes at the sight.

"I knew that the Gift was here, but I've never seen it up close." He whispers breathlessly.

We run, but Petra is trailing behind.

I take her hand, pulling her forward.

"Let's go! We need to get help!" I shouts, pulling out the price of fabric that Jesse from the other universe gave us.

I grabbed it shortly after Jesse was taken.

"We need to get them, we have a better chance if we double our numbers." I say, making them all nod.

Petra takes out the amulet, and we both hold onto the amulet, flashing out of our world in a matter of seconds.


Hey guys! So this story is almost over. Saddening. After this I have another idea for a MCSM fanfic, and will probably end up posting it. I'll try to update soon, so keep a look out. But before I go, can anyone guess why Lukas was calling them Olive Tree, Father of Peace, Rock, and Gift? If anyone can guess it, I will be a bit surprised. See you all soon!


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